Thursday, March 9, 2023

Quesnel Council Highlights - March 7th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Delegation - Quesnel Pride Society

Representatives from the Quesnel Pride Society provided Council an overview of their mission and an update of the Society's many accomplishments in 2021/2022.  In response to recent hate speech distributed in our community, and to affirm Council's commitment to ensuring Quesnel is a safe & welcoming place for members of the LGBTQ2+ community, Council passed the following resolution:

THAT Quesnel City Council affirms continued support for:

  • Ongoing maintenance of the rainbow crosswalk;
  • Raising the Pride flag on the LeBourdais Park community flag pole during Pride month; and
  • Supporting Quesnel Pride Society's Pride Week events, including the rolling parade and celebration in LeBourdais Park.

AND THAT Quesnel City Council, as per s.319 of the Criminal Code of Canada, condemns public Incitement and willful promotion of hatred "hate speech", in all its forms.

Delegation - Quesnel Shelter & Support Society

Representatives from QSSS provided Council with an overview of operations in Quesnel and advocated for the critical need for affordable housing in our community. QSSS, through BC Housing, operates Bridges Supportive Housing facility and Season's House, which provides emergency shelter beds, transitional housing units, emergency weather response and day program activities.

"Poverty and lack of affordable housing are the leading causes of homelessness in Canada."

Council reconsiders tax shift

Council voted to reconsider the February 21, 2023 decision approving a 1% tax shift from commercial taxpayers to residential taxpayers and, rescinded the tax shift.

Therefore, the estimated tax increase for residential properties is now 5.3%, $62.11 for the average residence valued at $349,210 ($17.79 per $100,000 of assessment). The estimated tax increase for commercial properties is 5.3%, $82.52 per $100,000 of assessment. Tax rates are finalized after the revised assessment roll is received late March.

Notice on Title

Council directed Staff to file a Notice on Title, for contravention of the City of Quesnel building regulations, for the following property:

Quesnel Downtown RV Park & Campground

Staff presented the Rules & Guidelines for Quesnel's new campground.  Through discussion, it was decided the maximum stay would be amended to four (4) consecutive nights.

Disc Golf

Disc golf is a fast-growing sport that provides accessible recreation for all ages

Council approved allocation of $4,000 from Council Initiatives for design consulting services for a Disc Golf Course in Quesnel.

Firehall security cameras

For security & safety, Council approved installation of two security cameras in Firehall #1.

Development Services Update

Due to work undertaken without a permit and in contravention of the Zoning Bylaw at 3269 Quesnel-Hydraulic Road, Council  requires a Sensitive Ecosystem Development Permit, a full riparian area remediation plan and bonding for completion of the work prior to allowing owner occupancy.


  • Bylaw 1935 - City of Quesnel Quesnel Downtown Association Bylaw 1935 of 2023 - Rescind Second Reading, Second as Amended, Third Reading
  • Bylaw 1936 - City of Quesnel South Quesnel Business Association Bylaw 1936 of 2023 - Third Reading

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