Saturday, April 15, 2023

Cariboo Memorial Hospital Update - April 14th, 2023

Courtesy of Interior Health:

Interior Health confirms physician coverage continues for all shifts for the Cariboo Memorial Hospital (CMH) inpatient medical unit with local and visiting physicians. Patients will be admitted to CMH unless their medical needs require transfer to a higher level of care.

Our priority is to maintain local access to hospital care. We are grateful for the amazing work of our local physicians, staff and leadership and their collective dedication to patients in the Cariboo. We also thank the physicians from other communities who are travelling to maintain key medical services in Williams Lake.

Physician staffing challenges remain and we still need additional physicians to stabilize services at CMH. Along with our current physicians, the Central Interior Rural Division of Family Practice and the Ministry of Health, we are committed to actively pursuing all avenues to bring additional physicians to Williams Lake.

It is important to stress that the emergency department at CMH is open for any patients who need emergency care.

 Interior Health will provide additional updates as more information is available.

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