Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Special WL Council Meeting - April 19th, 2023

Present in the Rick Hansen Boardroom -- Mayor Rathor; Councillors Delainey and Lyons

Present via Zoom -- Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler, Moses and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 5:35pm
Meeting Agenda adopted


1) 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2388, 2023

Item presented
Discussion ensued thereon

Council gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings to City of Williams Lake 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2388, 2023

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Boehm and Nelson

2) 2023 Municipal Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2389, 2023

Item presented
Discussion ensued thereon

Council gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings to City of Williams Lake 2023 Municipal Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2389, 2023

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Boehm and Nelson

Bylaws #2388/2389, 2023 will be brought forward for Adoption at the May 2nd Regular Council Meeting

Council adjourned at 5:45pm

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