Saturday, April 1, 2023

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - March 2023

During the month of March 2023 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

March 1st - In Victoria with NCLGA/North Central Local Government Association's 1st Vice President (and WL City Councillor) Sheila Boehm for "NCLGA Advocacy Day" to advocate for the collective local government interests of members of the North Central Local Government Association

March 4/5 - Final in-person/Zoom meeting of the NCLGA Board/Committees' for the 2022-23 term in Prince George

March 6 - MOTI Stakeholders meeting regarding a check-in re: performance of Rural Road Contractors' 

March 7 - Chaired the Cariboo RD's Policy Committee Meeting

March 8 - Special Closed Cariboo RD Board Meeting

March 10 - Special Closed Cariboo RD Board Meeting then Cariboo RD Board's Strategic Planning Session #2

March 13 - Attended a land use exploration meeting with Xat'sull FN Staff.  Also in attendance was Cariboo RD Chair Margo Wagner; Cariboo RD Interim CAO Brian Carruthers and Cariboo RD Mgr of Planning Services Nigel Whitehead

March 14 - Attended, via Zoom, the monthly meeting of the Central Cariboo Arts/Culture Society's Board of Directors' meeting, in my capacity as the Central Cariboo CRD Director Liaison

March 15-17: In Prince George to attend the LGLA/Local Government Leadership Academy's "Elected Officials' Seminar"... 

March 23 - Special Committee of the Whole Session (Cariboo RD Board) to discuss Directors' Remuneration and upcoming draft amendments to the Cariboo RD Directors' Remuneration Bylaw

March 24 - Meetings of CCRHD/Cariboo RD Boards' 

March 25 - Phone call with Coquitlam City Councillor Trish Mandewo, in her capacity as UBCM Indigenous Relations Committee Chair (she is also the 2022-2023 UBCM's 1st Vice President) to brief her on some matters that may require her Committee's consideration in the future... 

March 29 - Met with former Williams Lake City Councillor Marnie Brenner regarding her new role with Interior Health and how she can meet the goals of Cariboo Regional District Rural Directors' for strong, resilient healthy rural communities

In addition to the above -- held my weekly phone check-ins with the NCLGA's Executive Director.  As well, responded to inquiries from Cariboo RD Area "D" residents' via phone/text, email or social media

As to expenses submitted in the month of March 2023:

March 8/10: Special Cariboo RD Board Meetings (held In-Camera) -- $130.00

March 15-17: LGLA Elected Officials Seminar in Prince George.  Mileage and Daily Attendance Fees - $395.40

March 24: CCRHD/Cariboo RD Board Meetings - all day.  $206.00

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