Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Strong winds forecasted across Cariboo Fire Centre - April 26th, 2023

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service:

The BC Wildfire Service is urging members of the public and industry personnel to exercise extreme caution when conducting any outdoor burning and consider postponing burning until a calmer day. Surface winds of 30 to 40 kilometres an hour with gusts of 60 to 70 kilometres an hour are forecasted across the Cariboo Fire Centre for April 26, 2023.


Currently, there are no open fire prohibitions in effect in the Cariboo Fire Centre. Those conducting any open fire should use caution and be aware of local conditions that might impact their ability to burn safely and control their open fires. Before lighting a fire, please check with your local authority, ensure you are properly prepared, aware of the conditions, and follow open burning regulations:


  • Establish a fuel break around your Category 2 or Category 3 burn and ensure the fire site is away from buildings, trees, and other combustible materials.
  • Ensure someone is always monitoring the fire so it doesn't spread beyond its intended size.
  • Ensure that sufficient tools and water are on site to control the fire.
  • Anyone who lights an open fire must also comply with B.C.'s air quality control legislation and follow the Open Burning Smoke Control Regulations. Check the local venting index by calling 1 888 281-2992 or visiting: l
  • Make sure the fire is completely extinguished before leaving the area.
  • Anyone lighting a Category 3 open fire must first obtain a burn registration number by calling 1 888 797-1717.

Human-caused wildfires are completely preventable and divert critical resources away from naturally caused fires. Always practice safe, responsible open fire use.


To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone.


You can follow the latest wildfire news:


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