Tuesday, April 18, 2023

WL Council Highlights - April 18th mtg

Present: Mayor SPS Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Delainey, Flaspohler, Lyons, Nelson and Moses

Meeting called to order at 6:15pm, following the Public Hearing on Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2385, 2023 (Accessory Dwelling Units) 

Meeting Agenda here/Meeting Video here

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting Agenda approved 
Minutes of the City Council meeting held on April 4th, 2023 were received/adopted

Matters Arising from Public Hearing:

1) Council gave 3rd Reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2385, 2023 (Accessory Dwelling Units).  The bylaw will now be forwarded to the Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure for approval, as per Section 52 of the Transportation Act

Delegations - None


1) Council considered and approved recommendations from the April 11th, 2023 Committee of the Whole as follows:

i)  That the report of the Chief Administrative Officer dated April 6, 2023 regarding additional information needed for a request for additional resources to enhance Indigenous relations and reconciliation be received for information and Council direct staff to proceed with Option 3 - Hybrid Position Combining Active Transportation / Climate Change / Indigenous Relations, and this item be included in the 2023 budget.

ii) That the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated April 5, 2023 be received and Council directed staff to finalize the financial plan, minus the following changes:

* 4th Avenue Paving Project being removed from the 2023 capital budget ($680,000)
and move forward with the budget as presented/amended, including the use of City reserves and the mil rate be reduced by 8% across all property classes and further, that staff be directed to prepare revised 2023-2027 five-year financial plan bylaw and the 2023 tax rate bylaw for first three readings at a Special Council Meeting to be held April 19th at 5:30pm; public notice be waived and more than two Council members be permitted to attend via Zoom

Meeting recessed at 9:08pm
Meeting resumed at 9:13pm

2) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to:

i) City of Williams Lake Growing Community Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw No. 2390, 2023” and that Council approve using all the Growing Community Reserve funds toward the City’s portion of planning and construction for the Water Treatment Plant project.

3) Council authorized awarding of the curbside Waste and Recyclables Collection contract to Environmental 360 Solutions (Alberta) Ltd. for a three year term at their proposed annual price of $591,861.26, plus applicable taxes

4) Council received information regarding the Accessible British Columbia Act and approved the recommended amendments to the City of Williams Lake Accessibility Advisory Committee Terms of Reference in order to comply with the Act

5) Council adopted the following Planning Bylaws:

i) Williams Lake Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2378, 2023"
ii) "City of Williams Lake Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2379, 2023"

for property at 575 Wotzke Drive

6) Council issued the following Proclamations:

i) Day of Mourning - April 28th, 2023
ii) "Hospice Palliative Care Awareness Month" - May 2023

7) At the request of Fibromyalgia Association Canada (FAC) in their letter dated April 11, 2023, Council agreed to Light Up City Hall Purple for Fibromyalgia Awareness Day on May 12, 2023

8) Council received the Council Information Package as of April 18th, 2023

Members of Council reported on their recent activities

Council adjourned at 9:32pm

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