Wednesday, May 3, 2023

2022-2026 Cariboo Regional District Strategic Priorities revealed

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District’s Board is announcing its Strategic Priorities for the current term of office, which establishes a collective vision and strategic approach to its governance responsibilities. The priorities include infrastructure and asset management, enhanced communications and engagement, effective and responsive land use planning and development, and relationships with First Nations.

Cariboo Regional District Board Chair Margo Wagner said about the plan: “I am proud that the Board recognizes the need to strengthen and continue on our reconciliation path with all of our First Nations partners.  We have also recognized the need to improve how we communicate with our residents, adapting to the newer methods like social media, meanwhile ensuring transparency in our services as we deal with aging infrastructure in many of our water and sewer systems. Land use planning will continue to be critical as we grapple with increasing hazards due to climate change. I have every confidence that these four goals are achievable over the next four years.”

By implementing these priorities, the Cariboo Regional District will:

  • Establish a systematic, predictable approach to managing its assets and infrastructure;
  • Enhance its communications and community engagement efforts;
  • Ensure land use planning and development is responsive to future growth and housing needs, anticipates risks and hazards associated with climate change, and provides efficient and consistent processes for landowners and developers; and
  • Strengthen its relationships with First Nations and embrace the principles of reconciliation.

The strategic priorities provide an overarching focus for the Cariboo Regional District’s services, programs, and governance initiatives, and supplements the service planning model employed during its annual financial planning process. Going forward, these priorities will be reflected in decisions made about resourcing, service planning, and the implementation of various policy solutions.

The Board’s Strategic Priorities were developed during a workshop held in March 2023 involving members of the Board and the regional district’s management employees. This workshop facilitated a discussion about the regional district’s current services and service plans, known threats and opportunities, and future governance needs for the regional district.

The Board is expected to formally adopt its' 2022-2026 Strategic Plan at its' meeting of Friday, May 5th, 2023

A copy of the strategic plan can be found online at

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