Friday, May 5, 2023

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - May 5th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Neufeld, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Paull, Rathor and Pinkney 

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of the Cariboo Regional District Board meeting held April 14th, 2023 were received and adopted

The Board received its' "Memorandum of Business - Delegations" and the request of Director Forseth, the Board agreed to invite Ms. Emily Colombo - Cariboo Regional Manager - from the BC Ministry of Jobs, Economic Development and Innovation to present at a future Board meeting


1) Development Services

a) At the request of Director DeVries (Area L) for property on Renney Road -- 

i) That both Interlakes Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5431, 2023 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5432, 2023 be given 1st/2nd Readings 

ii) The cost of registration of the Shoreland Management Policy covenant be borne by the applicant

b) At the request of Director Wagner (Area H) for property at 4569 Canim Hendrix Lake Road -- 

i) That South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5433, 2023 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5434, 2023 were given 1st and 2nd Readings

ii) Enter into a Section 219 restrictive covenant (Land Title Act of BC) no new dwelling units is added to the existing residence, as proposed, until the current sewer system is proven to meet Provincial standards by an Authorized Professional and the cost to register the covenant be borne by the applicant

c) The Board authorized submission of a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for subdivision pertaining to the Fractional South 1/2 of the South 1/2 of District Lot 1919, Lillooet District, Except Plan 26063 and KAP90830, and Lot 1, District Lot 1919, Lillooet District, Plan KAP90830 for approval by the Agriculture Land Commission; subject to rezoning and an Official Community Plan amendment for property at 6429 Eden Road in Electoral Area "L"

d) The Board received the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Decisions Report as of April 25, 2023

e) The Board authorized various Notices on Title for various properties in Areas A,B,C,D,G,H and L for non-compliance of the Regional District's Building Bylaw

2) Environmental Services

a) The Board authorized funding of $30,000 for manganese treatments at Horse Lake, Gateway, and Benjamin water systems from the Growing Communities Fund 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors Forseth, Paull and Rathor (Area D, Quesnel and Williams Lake)

b) The Board authorized a budget amendment of $70,000 from the Solid Waste Management Service in order to purchase of a field service truck from Lake City Ford in Williams Lake, as quoted

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors Forseth, Paull and Rathor (Area D, Quesnel and Williams Lake)

3) Finance

a) The Board dealt with $1,000 Year Round Grant for Assistance applications, as follows:

* WL Stampede Parade -- $1,000 from Areas E,F,K
* Tyee Lake Community Association -- $1,000 from Area "D"
* Tatla Lake and Area Community Association -- $1,000 from Areas "J" and "K"

b) The Board received the 2023 Cariboo Regional District First Quarter Financial Reports
c) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Cheque Register for the month of April 2023 in the amount of $1,396,553.93 

4) Administration

a) The Board received/adopted its' 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

b) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of May 5th, 2023

Meeting recessed at 10:58am
Meeting resumed at 12:09pm


JoAnn Francis, of PMT Chartered Professional Accountants LLP, appeared before the Board to present the 2022 Cariboo Regional District Audited Financial Statements

Following her presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

The Vice-Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked Ms. Francis for her time/information

Resolved: That the Board receive/approve the 2022 Cariboo Regional District Audited Financial Statements

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:32pm and resumed at 1:15pm

Business, cont:

5) Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations

a) The Board received minutes of previous held Committee or Commission Meetings, as follows:

* Agriculture Development Advisory Committee Meeting of March 15th
* North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Meeting of April 11th
* North Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting of April 11th
* Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Meeting of April 11th
* Committee of the Whole Meeting of April 13th
* South Cariboo Airport Commission Meeting of April 13th
* South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Meeting of April 17th
* Emergency Preparedness Committee Meeting of April 19th
* Connectivity Committee Meeting of April 19th

b) The Board endorsed recommendations from Committee or Commission Meetings, as follows:

i) North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus Meeting of April 11th

That the 2023 Minerals North Sponsorship Package, be received. Further, that $5,000 from the North Cariboo Economic Development 2023 budget be provided for sponsorship of the event.  

ii) South Cariboo Airport Commission meeting of April 13th

That Commissioner Richmond be appointed Chair of the South Cariboo Regional Airport Commission for the year 2023.  Further, that Directors Al Richmond, Margo Wagner, and Eric de Vries, and member-at-large Les Kallos and Larry Davis be appointed to the Commission.

That the Cariboo Regional District borrow up to $2.5 million over a five-year term for the runway rehabilitation and upgrade project. Further, that the 2023 South Cariboo Regional Airport financial plan be amended as required to provide for project delivery by including the capital cost of construction and financing cost of borrowing as well as the addition of revenues from grant funding sources and increased requisition.

That Regional District Policy No. 2017-11-13, which requires a competitive bidding process for procurement of goods and services, be waived and that the consulting services agreement for the South Cariboo Regional Airport runway rehabilitation and electrical upgrade project be awarded to Avia NG for $344,160, and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the agreement.

That Regional District Policy No. 2017-11-13, which requires a competitive bidding process for procurement of goods and services, be waived and that the contract for the South Cariboo Regional Airport fuel system redesign project be awarded to Sea Island Projects for $22,330, and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the agreement.

iii) Emergency Preparedness Committee meeting of April 19th

That the agenda item summary from Stephanie Masun, Manager of Emergency Program Services, dated April 12, 2023, regarding the 2023 UBCM CEPF Evacuation Route Planning Application, be received. Further, that the Cariboo Regional District submit an application for the 2023 UBCM CEPF Evacuation Route Planning

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area "D") 

6) Corporate Bylaws

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to Cariboo Regional District Directors’ Remuneration and Expenses Bylaw No. 5436, 2023 (increase base Area Director Remuneration from $12,900 to $28,900 annually, paid bi-weekly) 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Pinkney (100 Mile House)

The Board received Chair's Wagner activity report on behalf of the Board for the period ending May 4th, 2023

Directors' verbally reported on their recent activities

Closed Board Session (In-Camera):

At 2:05pm  -- the Board recessed its' Open Meeting to convene a Closed Meeting as per Sections 92 and 90(1k - negotiations) of the Community Charter

At 2:19pm-- the Board resumed its' Open Meeting

The Board adjourned at 2:20pm 

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