Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Cariboo RD Policy Committee Highlights - May 16th mtg

Present: Chair S. Forseth/Vice Chair M. Sjostrom (via phone) and Directors' B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, A. Richmond and E. DeVries

Also Present: CRD Board Chair M. Wagner and CRD CAO M. Daly

Meeting called to order at 10:00am 

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and reminded Directors' to place their mobile device on silent or vibrate mode or turn the device off

Meeting Agenda adopted 
Minutes of the Committee meeting held March 7th, 2023 were received/adopted


1) Amendment to Regional District Donations' Policy

A report from the Deputy CAO was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to the Regional Board:

That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated February 15, 2023, with attached amended Donations Policy, be received. Further, that the Donations Policy be adopted, as amended.

Resolved -- That Staff research a Donations to Fire Departments Policy and report back to the Committee

2) Display of Materials in Regional District Office Foyers' in Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House

A report from the Deputy CAO was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to the Regional Board:

That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated February 28, 2023, with attached draft policy entitled, Display of Materials in CRD Foyers Policy, be received. Further, that the policy be adopted as presented.

3) Process for Inclusion of Properties in Fire Protection Service Areas

A report from the former Manager of Protective Services was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to the Regional Board:

That the agenda item summary from Michael Navratil, former Manager of Protective Services, dated March 2, 2023, with attached draft policy entitled, Fire Protection Area Inclusion Requests Policy, be received. Further, that the policy be adopted as presented.

Director Sjostrom left the meeting at 11am

4) Email Records Policy

A report from the Deputy CAO was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board 

That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated May 17, 2022, with attached draft Email Records Policy, as deferred at the Policy Committee meeting held on May 31, 2002, be received. Further, that the Policy be adopted as attached

5) Correspondence Policy

A report from the Deputy CAO was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board 

That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated May 18, 2022, with attached draft Board Correspondence Management Policy, as deferred at the Policy Committee meeting held on May 31, 2022, be received. Further, that the Policy be adopted as attached and as amended

The Committee adjourned at 12:05pm

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