Wednesday, May 10, 2023

NCLGA 2023 - Day 3 of 5

Today starts Day 3 of 5 of the NCLGA or North Central Local Government Association's 2023 AGM/.Convention being held in the City of Dawson Creek on traditional Treaty 8 Territory and marks the official start of the NCLGA Convention

On the Agenda:

* Opening Ceremonies
* Conducting the AGM portion of the NCLGA 2023 Convention
* Conducting the Election Process to elect a new NCLGA President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President and 3 Directors' at Large for the 2023-24 term

* Consider 2023 NCLGA Resolutions
* Plenary Sessions
* Evening Dinner - Guest Speaker: Gary Mar of the Canada West Foundation

The full Agenda for the Convention can be viewed here


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