Friday, May 12, 2023

NCLGA 2023 - Day 5 of 5

Today is the final day (Day 5) of the NCLGA or North Central Local Government Association's 2023 AGM/.Convention being held in the City of Dawson Creek on traditional Treaty 8 Territory 

The full Agenda for the Convention can be viewed here

On the Agenda:

* Address from new 2023-24 NCLGA President
* Plenary Session: new requirements for Local Government in respect of BC's Accessibility Act

* Presentations from Roly Russell (BC's Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development) as well as the Hon. Anne Kang - BC's Minister of Municipal Affairs

Following Minister Kang's presentation -- the Convention will formally adjourn until May 2024.  Upon my return to the Cariboo-Chilcotin, I will post my usual Post Event Report outlining my attendance at the 2023 NCLGA Convention... 


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