Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Special WL Council Highlights - May 23rd mtg

Present in WL Council Chambers - Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler, Nelson

Present via Zoom: Councillor A. Delainey

Meeting called to order at 12:00pm (Meeting video here)

Meeting Agenda Adopted


1) Grant in Aide Request from Potato House Society re: 2023 WL Stampede Street Party

Report of the CFO presented to Council 
Discussion ensued thereon 

Resolved -- That the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated May 18, 2023 be received, that $5,000 be approved for the Potato House Project Society to put on the 2023 Williams Lake Stampede Street Party and that the Grant in Aide Policy be waived

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Delainey and Flaspohler

Council adjourned at 12:14pm

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