Tuesday, May 2, 2023

WL Council Highlights - May 2nd meeting

 Present: Mayor SPS Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Delainey, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Meeting Agenda here/Meeting Video here

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting Agenda approved 
Minutes of the City Council meeting held on April 18th, 2023 were received/adopted


1) Penny Stavast, CMHA Cariboo-Chilcotin Anti-Violence Programs Director appeared before Council to discuss "Victims and Survivors of Crime Week" Proclamation & Opening of Williams Lake Sexual Assault and Community-Based Victim Services Centre

Following the presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

On behalf of Council - Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved -- That pursuant to the request of the Anti-Violence Programs Director for CMHA - Cariboo Chilcotin Branch in their letter dated April 11, 2023, the week of May 14 to 20, 2023 be proclaimed "Victims and Survivors of Crime Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy; and further, that Mayor and Council be invited to attend the Williams Lake Sexual Assault Centre and Community Based Victim Services Open House on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.

2) Erin Hitchcock & Denise Deschene, Scout Island Nature Centre and Streets for All Williams Lake appeared before Council to discuss "GoByBike Week" Proclamation and Politician on a Pedal Challenge

Following the presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

On behalf of Council - Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved --That pursuant to the request of the Scout Island Nature Centre Air Aware Educator / GoByBike BC Community Coordinator and Streets for All Williams Lake in their letter dated April 14, 2023, the week of May 29 to June 4, 2023 be proclaimed "GoByBike Week" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy; and further, the community be encouraged to participate, and Mayor and Council be invited to take part in the Politician on a Pedal Challenge, during this week

3) Violet Fuller, Executive Director - Yeqox Nilin Justice Society (formerly Punky Lake Society) appeared before Council to discuss 2023 Late Grant-in-Aid Application for Indigenous Court Anniversary Event

Following the presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

On behalf of Council - Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for their time/information

Resolved -- That the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated April 17, 2023 regarding a late Grant-in-Aid application received from the Yeqox Nilin Justice Society for a request for funding toward the celebratory event for the 2.5 year anniversary of Indigenous Court be received and Council approve a $5,000 Grant towards this event and the City's Grant in Aide Policy be waived accordingly 

4) Kane Fraser of MNP Chartered Professional Accountants appeared before Council to discuss the City of Williams Lake 2022 Audited Financial Statements & Auditor's Report

Following the presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

On behalf of Council - Mayor Rathor thanked Mr. Fraser for his time/information

Resolved -- That pursuant to the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated April 19, 2023, Council receive the 2022 City of Williams Lake annual financial statements and approve them as presented, receive and accept the auditor’s report, and authorize the Mayor and the Chief Financial Officer to sign the management letter and the financial statements on behalf of the City; and further, that Council authorize the Chief Financial Officer to make the submission of the audited financial statements and any other relevant financial information to the inspector, as required.


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated April 6, 13, 20, 21 and 27, 2023

2) Council approved the 2023/2024 Annual Operating Agreement with BC Transit and authorized the Mayor and Corporate Officer to sign the agreement on behalf of the City

3) Council approved a Bike Bridge construction budget increase of $16,000, and an increase to the engineering budget of $18,000 due to unforeseen conditions that arose during construction

4) Council authorized the following properties that no longer conform to the conditions necessary to qualify for exemption be removed from Permissive Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 2238:

        98 First Avenue North, and

        212 Third Avenue South;

and gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to “City of Williams Lake Permissive Tax Exemption Amendment Bylaw No. 2392, 2023 

5) Council received the report of the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2385 held April 18, 2023

6) Council accepted OCP/Zoning Amendment applications for property at 1138 Lakeview Crescent; waived Council Policy #197 as it constitutes minimum impact on other neighbours and that written feedback be sought instead with the deadline to submit being May 30th; City Staff refer the applications to nearby bodies (WLFN, Cariboo RD, SD27, MOTI) for their feedback; that Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 2382 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2383 be both given 1st Reading and 2nd Reading of these Bylaws proceed when an acceptable Servicing Plan and Geotechnical Report for the proposed development and a subsequent report from staff outlining these and public comments are received 

7) Council proclaimed the week of May 28 to June 3, 2023 as “AccessAbility Week” in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to City policy, and endorsed an application by the City of Williams Lake on behalf of the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) to SPARC BC’s AccessAbility Grant program, funded through the federal Accessible Canada Social Development Partnership Program and the Provincial Accessibility Secretariat, for $500 toward an AccessAbility Week educational video project to increase awareness of accessibility in the community, to be shared on social media, the City’s website and presented to schools and clubs by AAC members over the coming year.  Council also delegated the authority to the AAC to manage the project and the grant funds.

8) Council endorsed recommendations from the Community Services Committee as follows:

i) That pursuant to Community Services Committee Report #02-2023, the letter from the Williams Lake Trail Riders Association dated March 10, 2023 regarding Halloween fireworks concerns be received, and staff be directed to prepare a report on options at the annual Halloween event 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Boehm and Nelson

ii) That pursuant to Community Services Committee Report #03-2023 and the feedback received from the public art group, the Sam Ketcham Pool carved teak doors remain in their current location until such time as space and funding is available to display them in an alternate location; and further, that correspondence be sent to Christ Hornby outlining this decision and this report be referred to Central Cariboo Joint Committee for its' information

iii) That pursuant to Community Services Committee Report #04-2023, the annual Council appointments be reviewed by Committee of Whole Council prior to the matter being brought to a Regular Council Meeting each year

9) Council adopted the following Bylaws:

a) Growing Community Reserve Fund Establishment Bylaw No. 2390, 2023 

Resolved - That the $3.7 million of the "Growing Community Fund" be allocated to the Water Treatment Plant project 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Boehm and Nelson

b) City of Williams Lake 2023-2027 Financial Plan Bylaw No. 2388, 2023

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Boehm and Nelson

c) City of Williams Lake 2023 Municipal Tax Rate Bylaw No. 2389, 2023

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Boehm and Nelson

d) City of Williams Lake Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2385, 2023 (authorize Accessory Dwelling Units)

10) Council endorsed recommendations from a previous Committee of the Whole meeting, as follows:

i) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #21-2023, the report of the Director of Protective Services / Fire Chief dated April 19, 2023 be received and Council provide temporary endorsement of the existing Bylaw Services process with regard to homeless encampments; and further, that staff also be directed to prepare a report on options for addressing homeless encampments in the City in the short term (including pros and cons of each option), and that staff be authorized to, in the interim, take additional steps to address encampments including identifying temporary overnight locations.


ii) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #22-2023, the City undertake an ongoing communication campaign to update the public on the homeless situation in the community and the limits of potential options available.


iii) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #23-2023, the report of the Corporate Officer dated April 17, 2023 be received and the draft Code of Conduct be amended to require an annual review of the document, and the amended document thereafter be adopted by Council; and further, that the Code be reviewed by the General Governance Committee within six months of adoption.

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillors Boehm and Nelson

Councillor Lyons declared a conflict of interest on the next matter and left Council Chambers

11) Council authorized a temporary street closure of the sections of Oliver Street and Second Avenue North as outlined on the attached map for their 2023 Easter Festival to be held on Sunday, May 7, 2023 (rescheduled from April 9th) from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Councilor Lyons returned to Council Chambers 

12) Council authorized a temporary street closure for the annual National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebrations Parade at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, June 21, 2023, along the route as provided

13) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of May 2nd, 2023 

Members of Council reported on their recent activities

Council adjourned at 9:25pm

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