Friday, June 2, 2023

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - June 2nd mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice Chair J. Massier; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Forseth, Neufeld, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Paull, Rathor, Pinkney and Alternate Director Funk (District of Wells) 

Meeting called to order at 10:07am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and welcomed Alternate Director Funk to today's meeting

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of the Cariboo Regional District Board meeting held May 5th, 2023 were received and adopted

Delegations Memorandum of Business was received


1) Development Services (Area Directors' only)

a) In regards to Bouchie-Milburn Neighbourhood Plan (Area "B"):

* That Schedule “A” of Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5418, 2023 be amended as follows -- Removing “over 0.81 hectares (2 acres) and” from Section 8.2.1. Agricultural Policies 

* That Quesnel Fringe Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5418, 2023 be read a second time, as amended, this 2nd day of June 2023. 

* That Quesnel Fringe Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5419, 2023 be read a second time, this 2nd day of June 2023 

* That North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5420, 2023 be read a second time, this 2nd day of June 2023

b) With regard to property at 4000 Highway 97 in Area "G" : 

* That Lac La Hache Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5409, 2022 be adopted, this 2nd day of June 2023

* That South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5410, 2022 be adopted, this 2nd day of June 2023

c) The Board authorized a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for non-farm use pertaining to Lot 5, District Lot 358, Lillooet District, Plan 21582 be received and authorized for submission to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission with a recommendation for approval, subject to rezoning for property at 5475 Scuffi Road in Area "G"

d) The Board authorized a "Notice on Title" for property at 1582 Maple Drive in Area "A"

e) The Board authorized up to up to $15,000 of Capital Reserve Funds from the Building Inspection Service be authorized for the purchase of a replacement plotter for the Quesnel sub-office

2) Protective Services

a) The Board authorized $8,927.71 from Community Works Funds, to upgrade truck bay lighting for the 108 Mile VFD

3) Finance

a) The Board passed MFA Borrowing Resolutions for fire department pick-up trucks for 150 Mile VFD in Area "F" and Lone Butte VFD in Area "L"  

b) The Board dealt with Year Round Grant for Assistance applications, as follows:

* Logan Parent Foundation for $1,000 - Split equally between Areas G,H,L
* Horsefly Quilt Club for $1,000 - Fund from Area "F" 
* Bridge Lake Community Club for $1,000 - Fund from Area "L"

4) Administration

a) The Board received a report regarding the 2023 UBCM Convention meeting request process for meeting with Provincial Government Ministers and staff and directed Staff to request meetings, as instructed by the Board

b) The Board approved a letter of support in principle to School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) in respect of its' proposed Fieldhouse as part of the Marie Sharpe Elementary School footprint and refer the matter to Central Cariboo Joint Committee 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors' Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth (Areas A,B,C,D)


At 11:25am -- Anita Ely, Healthy Built Environment Specialist, Marnie Brenner, Community Health Facilitator and Marion Masson, Specialist Environmental Health Officer (via teleconference) appeared before the Board to provide information about the water protection legislation, best practice in policy development, inform about best practice examples in other communities and share how IH can support staff moving forward.

Following the Presentation -- A Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Mssrs Ely, Brenner and Masson for their time/information

At 1:00pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Meeting to conduct a Closed Session (In-Camera) as per Section 92 and Section 90(1c,e,k - labour, land and negotiations) of the Community Charter

At 2:36pm-- the Board resumed its' Open Meeting 

Business, cont:
Administration, cont:

c) The Board received its' Consent Calendar as of June 2nd

4) Committee Minutes/Recommendations:

a) The Board received Minutes of previously held Board Committee or Commission Meetings during the period of April 11th - May 24th, 2023

b) The Board endorsed a recommendation from North Cariboo Rural Directors' as follows: 

That the letter from Cariboo Ski-Touring Club dated May 5, 2023, regarding funding for the 2024 BC Winter Games, be received. Further, that $10,000 be provided from the 2023 North Cariboo Economic Development function budget for construction of a new biathlon venue. And further still, that recognition signage for the funding be requested.

c) The Board endorsed the following recommendations from the Policy Committee meeting of May 16th, 2023 - as follows:

* That the Donations Policy be adopted, as amended.
That staff look into a policy to define donations surrounding volunteer fire departments factoring in financial implications, budgeting and the financial plan to bring back to the August 22, 2023 meeting of the Policy Committee

that the Email Records' Policy be adopted
* That Display of Materials in CRD Office Foyers Policy be adopted
* That Fire Protection Area Inclusion Requests Policy be adopted

d) The Board referred the following recommendation back to the Policy Committee for further consideration:

That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated May 18, 2022, with attached draft Board Correspondence Management Policy, as deferred at the Policy Committee meeting held on May 31, 2022, be received. Further, that the Policy be adopted with the following amendments:

- section 2 - Remove a) & b)  and use the ALTERNATIVELY portion of the policy.  

- section 3b - Add staff with Chair for determination of whether correspondence is shared with Board members at all.

The Board received the activity report of Chair Wagner for the period ending May 31st, 2023

The Board authorized an appointment to the Area "E" APC, at the request of Director Neufeld

The Board adjourned at 2:49pm

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