Monday, June 5, 2023

Smoke visible in Quesnel Lake area

Courtesy of the Cariboo Fire Centre:

There are currently five active wildfires in the Central Cariboo Horsefly Zone. Four are classified as Out of Control and one is classified as Under Control. Smoke from these fires may be visible in the areas of Quesnel Lake, Horsefly, Likely and 150 Mile.


Four of the fires are monitor only. A monitor only fire is a modified response fire that is being analyzed but is not receiving immediate suppression action and may be allowed to burn to achieve ecological or resource management objectives. All four of these fires are being monitored routinely by experienced officers, none of them are threatening structures or communities at this time.


Fire C30573 is classified as a modified response and is now considered to be Under Control. This means that it is being managed using a combination of suppression techniques to steer, contain or otherwise manage fire activity within a pre-determined perimeter.


Public and media are encouraged to monitor:

Human-caused wildfires are completely preventable and divert critical resources away from naturally caused fires. Always practice safe, responsible open fire use.


To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone.


You can follow the latest wildfire news:

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