Tuesday, June 6, 2023

WL Council Highlights - June 6th mtg

 Present: Mayor SPS Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Meeting Agenda here/Meeting Video here

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and noted the absence of Councillor Delainey, for personal reasons, from tonight's Council meeting 

Meeting Agenda approved with 1 Late Item 
Minutes of the City Council meeting held on May 2nd, 2023 were received/adopted


Gaetan Royer, Massive Canada Building Systems Inc. appeared before Council to present the Proposed Manufacturing Plant in Williams Lake

Following the presentation -- A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor, on behalf of Council, thanked Mr. Royer for his time/information

Resolved: That the presentation from Gaetan Royer, CEO - Massive Canada Building Systems Inc. regarding their proposed manufacturing plant to be located at 4400 Mackenzie Avenue in Williams Lake be received for information. 


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated May 18, 25 and June 1, 2023 

2) Council approved the City of Williams Lake Council Strategic Plan 2022-2026 

3) Council approved the 2022 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report and disclosure schedules for submission to the Province 

4) Council received a late 2023 Grant-in-Aid application from the Williams Lake Stampeders Senior 'AA' Hockey Club and directed that a $5,000 Grant in Aide be approved and that the Grant in Aide policy be waived 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Councillor J. Flaspohler 

5) Council directed Staff to draft a bylaw amendment banning drug use in public spaces in response to the Provincial Government's pilot program decriminalizing possession of up to 2.5 grams of illicit drugs in public spaces 

 6) Council endorsed a recommendation from the Public Works Committee (Councillor J. Lyons, Committee Chair) 

* That pursuant to Public Works Committee Report #01-2023, staff be directed to conduct a public expression of interest process for potential snow angel volunteers to assist with shoveling sidewalks, and that the results of this process be brought forward for future Council consideration

7) Council approved in principle the proposed Airport Lease Agreement #CWL4600 with Roger and Allison Patenaude for a term of 20 years, effective September 1, 2023, at a lease rate of $1,987.62, excluding applicable taxes, in the first year with annual increases based on the BC Consumer Price Index (CPI) and that the proposed Lease Agreement be brought forward to a future Council Meeting for formal approval, following publication of the required "Notice of Disposition" as per Section 26(4) of the Community Charter

8) Council agreed to waive Purchasing Policy No. 138 to approve sole-sourcing of consultant services for the Well No. 6 Project to proceed with the expedited project as follows: 

  Up to $162,307.50 to TRUE Consulting for Engineering Services, 
  Up to $13,151.25 to Sugar Cane Archaeology for Archaeological Impact Assessment work, and 
  Up to $52,487 to Western Water Associates LTD for Hydrology Services

9) Council awarded the Pavement Rehabilitation 2023 contract to Peters Bros Construction Ltd for a total construction tender amount of $1,088,383.45, excluding GST, for a total paving project value of $1,188,383.45 with contingency and engineering and Staff were directed to reduce quantities after award to meet the project budget

10) Council received for information a report of the Director of Community Services regarding an update on Summer 2023 park and green spaces bookings

11) Council adopted Development Cost Charge Reserve Fund Expenditure Bylaw No. 2391 

12) Council endorsed recommendations from a previous Committee of the Whole meeting, as follows 

* That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #24-2023 and the report of the Manager of Planning and Development dated May 25, 2023, “City of Williams Lake Rental Premises Standards of Maintenance Bylaw No 2353, 2023” and “City of Williams Lake Bylaw Notice Enforcement Amendment Bylaw No. 2354, 2023” be introduced and given first three readings 

* That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #25-2023, the report of the Director of Community Services dated May 25, 2023 regarding fireworks information and options be received for information and Council direct staff to continue with a fireworks display at the annual Halloween event 

Resolved - That Staff be directed to seek community feedback as to the Halloween Fireworks program in 2024


13) Council provided approvals for Local Road Closures, as follows:

* First Nations Health Authority/First Nations Wellness Centre Naming Ceremony - June 15, 2023 
* Cariboo Run Crew Temporary Street Closure Request for Adventure Trail Race - June 24, 2023 
* Cariboo GM Temporary Street Closure Request for 10th Annual Soap Box Derby - June 15, 2023 
* 2023 Stampede Parade - "Man In Motion" - July 1, 2023 
* Potato House Project Temporary Street Closure Request for Sumer Street Fest - July 1, 2023

14) Council received for information a letter from Bob's Footwear & Apparel Inc. regarding concerns around issues of crime, theft, drug abuse, littering and safety downtown

Resolved -- That Staff prepare a report for Committee of the Whole on the concept of a "Clean Team" (drug needles cleanup) for Williams Lake including how other BC communities (ie: Quesnel) are handling the "Clean Team" concept

15) Council proclaimed June 15th, 2023 as "World Elder Abuse Awareness Day" in the City of Williams Lake

16) Late Item -- Council received for information a request to submit a UBCM Child Care Resolution, as requested by the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC 

17) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of June 6th, 2023

Members of Council reported on their recent activities... 

Council adjourned at 8:45pm

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