Sunday, July 16, 2023

2023 Tyee Lake Community Association's AGM


Yesterday (July 15th, 2023) -- I attended my 7th Annual or the 2023 Tyee Lake Community Association's AGM/Picnic. The picnic was sponsored by the Cariboo Regional District via a $1,000 Grant that was provided via the Area 'D' Grant for Assistance (Year Round Intake) Fund to the Tyee Lake Community Association to host their AGM/Picnic

Annual reports were provided by the Association's President, Treasurer and Fire Chief. I too provided a report as to my activities since the 2022 Tyee Lake Community Association's AGM in my capacity as the Cariboo Regional District's Area "D" Director

Following the formal part of the meeting, it was great to interact with local Tyee Lake residents'

My personal thanks to all those at Tyee Lake including the Tyee Lake Community Association that make this great event and many others throughout the year happen at Tyee Lake!


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