Thursday, July 20, 2023

Quesnel Council Highlights - July 18th, 2023

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Presentation - Quesnel Ambassador Leadership Program

Plaque Presentation to Outgoing Ambassadors - 2022/2023

  1. Nevaeh Kueber
  2. Jada Crossman

Introduction to Incoming Ambassadors - 2023/2024

  1. Jamie-Lynn Fedoruk
Avery Cassidy

Council approved entering into a License of Occupation with the Province of British Columbia for the Dragon Lake Boat Launch, situated on Quesnel Hydraulic Road.  Interim repairs will commence this year.

Forestry Initiatives:

Community Forest:

Council approved the appointment of the Forestry Initiatives Manager to the Community Forest General Manager Board of Directors.

The Three Rivers Community Forest Limited Partnership and its General Partner Corporation are on the verge of being legally created, in partnership with Lhtako Dene Nation, ?Esdilagh First Nation, Nazko First Nation and the City of Quesnel.

Forestry Think Tank:

Council approved entering into a Memorandum of Understanding with Lhtako Dene First Nation and Koralia Region of Finland to advance forestry initiatives in Quesnel & surrounding area and, approved spending up to $30,000 from the Forestry Initiative’s Programs to advance outcomes of the Think Tank and leverage Provincial and Federal funding grants.

North-South Interconnector

Council directed Staff to forward a letter to the North Central Local Government Association Municipalities, asserting the Provincial and Regional importance of the Interconnector (Bypass) and to ask for letters of support for the project.


Clean Team

Council approved directing a further $6,000 dollars from the Council Initiatives fund to cover the Clean Team program until the end of August, working to keep our streets are free of drug paraphernalia and debris.

Indigenous Crosswalk

Council directed Staff to proceed with the Indigenous Crosswalk project for Quesnel's three business areas; South Quesnel, West Quesnel and Downtown.


Steam Shovel Relocation

Council approved the Steam shovel (formerly located at Lhtako Dene Park) to be relocated to Heritage Corner (next to the Fraser River Footbridge).

2023 Minerals North - Kudos to Staff

Council received correspondence from Minerals North sending a thank you to Economic Development and Event Coordination departments for an amazing event, helping "Minerals North regain its footing as a 'must-attend' event", following COVID-19.

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