Tuesday, August 22, 2023

$5 million funding received for Wells wastewater project

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

People in Telkwa will be better protected against wildfires after an investment by the Province to replace a high-priority section of the village’s water system.

“Amidst the increased risks of wildfires throughout B.C., my ministry will continue to invest in reliable infrastructure to ensure the safety of our communities,” said the Hon. Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs. “Upgrades to Telkwa’s water system will replace aging sections of pipe, increasing the reliability of the system and improving water flow, so people in the community have the resources they need to remain safe in an emergency.”

Improved access to water during emergencies is made possible through an investment of $650,000 from the provincial government. This will support the replacement of aging pipe sections along Coalmine Road that connect Telkwa’s water-treatment plant to the village’s Morris Hill reservoir, which feeds the south side of the community. The replacement pipe will have a larger diameter than the existing one, significantly improving the water supply through the village.

“The village’s water and sewer systems require major updates in order to better serve the needs of the community and to ensure long-term sustainability,” said Leroy Dekens, mayor of Telkwa. “The village’s priority is to update critical high-risk watermains in the community, which will also increase fire protection.”

Nathan Cullen, MLA for Stikine, said: “People in Telkwa know first-hand how quickly wildfires can threaten a community. Earlier this summer, some residents in the regional district were issued evacuation orders as the Powers Creek wildfire expanded to the borders of the village. Our infrastructure needs to be able to support communities when they need it most. That’s why the improvements to the Telkwa water system are so important. The upgrade will ensure that first responders will have access to water without delays or interruptions.”

The Province is also working with the District of Wells and the District of Hudson’s Hope on two infrastructure projects:

  • The District of Wells is receiving $5 million to support the Wells Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades and Expansion project, which will preserve water quality, aquatic life and recreational uses of the Will River.
  • The District of Hudson’s Hope is receiving $550,000 to support the district’s Kendrick Lift Station Upgrades project, which will make improvements to the lift station to meet WorkSafeBC’s regulatory requirements.

These projects are part of a $450-million investment by the Province in crucial public-infrastructure projects to support clean drinking water, wastewater and solid-waste treatment, as well as reduce greenhouse gas emissions in communities throughout B.C.

This is in addition to the $1-billion Growing Communities Fund, which was provided to all 188 B.C. municipalities and regional districts to support their unique infrastructure and amenities needs.

Ed Coleman, mayor, District of Wells –

“The Wells Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrades and Expansion Project creates long-term security and sustainability in our community and enables future development for the diversification of the District of Wells and the surrounding area economies.”

Learn More:

For information about the Growing Communities Fund, visit: https://news.gov.bc.ca/28220

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