Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Cariboo RD Policy Committee - August 15th mtg

Present: Chair S. Forseth/Vice-Chair M. Sjostrom; Directors' Massier, Richmond and De Vries

Also Present: Cariboo RD Board Chair M. Wagner

Absent: Director B. Bachmeier

Meeting called to order at 10:00am

The Chair recognized that the meeting of the Committee was being held on the traditional unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting agenda adopted
Minutes of the previous Committee meeting were received/adopted


1) Board Correspondence Policy (referred back from Regional Board)

The Chair and Deputy CAO provided an overview of the item
Discussion ensued thereon 

Resolved -- That the Board Correspondence Policy be endorsed as presented and forwarded to the CRD Board for consideration of adoption

2) Amendment to Audio Recording of Meetings Policy

The Deputy CAO provided an overview of the item
Discussion ensued thereon 

Resolved -- That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services/Deputy CAO, dated August 3, 2023, with attached Policy #14-06B-39 Audio Recording of Meetings Policy, be received. Further, that the Committee recommend to the Board of Directors that the policy be endorsed as amended.

3) Volunteer Fire Department Donations

The Manager of Financial Services provided an overview of the item
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved -- That the agenda item summary from Kevin Welsh, Manager of Financial Services, dated August 9, 2023, regarding Volunteer Fire Department Donations, be received. Further, that existing donation policies be reviewed periodically as needed.

4) Amendment to Procurement Policy

The Chief Financial Officer for the Management of Procurement provided an overview of the item
Discussion ensued thereon... 

Resolved -- That the agenda item summary from Larry Loveng, Manager of Procurement, dated August 2, 2023, with attached amended Purchasing Policy, be received. Further, that the Committee recommend to the Board that the Procurement Policy be adopted, as amended.

5) New Business Investment Recognition Policy

The Vice-Chair provided an overview of the item
Discussion ensued thereon 

Resolved -- That the agenda item summary from Alice Johnston, Manager of Corporate Services / Deputy CAO dated August 3, 2023, regarding a New Business Investment Recognition Policy, be received and that Staff be directed to draft a New Business Investment Recognition Policy for consideration of the Committee 

The Committee adjourned at 10:59am

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