Tuesday, September 19, 2023

UBCM 2023 - Day 2 of 5

Today is Day 2 of 5 of the 120th Annual Convention of the Union of BC Municipalities being held in Vancouver, BC.  The Convention guidebook and other related material can be viewed at https://www.ubcm.ca/convention-resolutions/2023-convention/program

I'll be attending the "EA Directors' Forum" and then the Forum's Lunch to follow and in the afternoon, I have a meeting with BC Transit with my Cariboo Regional District Area "E" colleague, Melynda Neufeld, Cariboo RD CAO Murray Daly and also attending - Williams Lake City Councillor Micheal Moses, as he sits on two Williams Lake Council Committees' that deal with transit -- Community Services/General Governance

And then in the evening, attend the UBCM Welcome Reception

Have a great Tuesday, 


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