Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Community Tourism Plan - District of 100 Mile House

Courtesy of the District of 100 Mile House:

The District of 100 Mile House is undertaking a Community Tourism Plan. Tourism benefits our community and the surrounding area as visitors spend their dollars during their visits. Tourism creates jobs and contributes to economic growth and diversity. One of the goals of the planning process is to help inform future decisions that will support increased visitation and visitor spending in the region, which in turn will help grow local businesses. 

The project will include extensive engagement with tourism industry stakeholders and residents to gain input into the current state of tourism in the area, a future vision for tourism development, opportunities to grow and enhance tourism, and barriers / challenges facing the tourism industry.   

Expedition Management Consulting is helping the District to engage stakeholders and develop the tourism plan.

Input from tourism stakeholders and residents is a very important part of building the plan.  Engagement opportunities include:

  • Online survey – Oct. 30 – Nov. 24, 2023
  • Group input digital workshops – Nov. 9 & Nov. 16, 2023
  • One-on-one interviews – Oct. 30 – Nov. 4, 2023

If you have any questions about the project or would like to provide your input another way, please contact Joanne Doddridge, District of 100 Mile House, jdoddridge@100milehouse.com (250) 395-2434 or Cassandra Gilmore, Expedition Management Consulting, cassandra@expeditionconsulting.ca (403) 968-8350

To complete the survey Community Tourism Planning Survey 

To sign up for the digital workshop Digital Workshop

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