Tuesday, October 24, 2023

WL Council Highlights - Oct 24th mtg

Present: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson 

Meeting called to order at 6:01pm

Mayor Rathor recognized that the Council Meeting was being held on the traditional unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting agenda adopted 

Minutes of the Council meeting held October 3rd, 2023 were received and adopted


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated September 14, October 5, 6, 12 and 19, 2023 

2) Following a Public Input Opportunity -- Council approved Development Variance Permit No. 02-2023 for property at 4600 Collier Place

3) Council approved travel, Council compensation and other associated expenses for available Council members to attend the Lhatŝ’aŝʔin Memorial Day event hosted by the Tŝilhqot’in National Government in Quesnel, BC on October 26, 2023

4) Council ratified an email poll authorizing a letter on behalf of Williams Lake City Council be sent to formally express concern about the recent emergency room closure at Cariboo Memorial Hospital and the lack of notice to the City, and to request a meeting with Interior Health (that includes the City, Cariboo Regional District, Local First Nations and the Local MLA) to discuss concerns about the levels of health services provided for residents of the City and wider region

Resolved -- That Council request the Chief Executive Officer of Interior Health, Ms. Susan Brown, to publicly release Interior Health's own internal investigation regarding the closure of the Emergency Room at Cariboo Memorial Hospital in Williams Lake on October 2nd, 2023 minus any identifiable details pointing to specific individuals and publicly provide the key recommendations from the internal investigation for the purposes of public transparency and community engagement/consultation


Jessica Boate appeared before Council, via Zoom, to discuss Reconsideration of Remedial Action Order for 84 Oliver Street as per Section 78 of the Community Charter

Following their presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for their time/information.. 

Resolved -- That the matter of the Remedial Action Resolution be deferred for 2 weeks, Staff coordinate a meeting with Ms. Boate and a Staff report be brought forward at that time .... 


Business, cont:

5) Council approved Council compensation, registration, and other associated expenses for Mayor Rathor or Alternate to attend the BC Natural Resources Forum held from January 16 to 18, 2024 in Prince George, BC

6) Council agreed to amend Resolution No. 367/22 dated September 20, 2022 by changing the originally applied for grant funding amount from $200,000 to the approved grant of $295,270, for the 2022 Community Resiliency Investment Program – 2023 Fire Smart Community Funding & Supports Program - Stream 1 through the Union of British Columbia Municipalities.

7)  Council awarded the contract for the drilling and development of a new production Well No. 6 to Drillwell Enterprises for the bid price of $330,513.75, including applicable taxes.

8) Council approved a BC Active Transportation Network Planning grant application in the amount
of $100,000 – of which $50,000 will be the City’s contribution drawn from the LGCAP funds held in reserve – to develop an Active Transportation Network Plan; and further, that Council confirm the
project is a municipal priority that is intended to be completed by March 31, 2025

9) Council endorsed a recommendation from a recently held Committee of the Whole meeting, as follows:

That pursuant to Committee of
Whole Council Report #35-2023, the presentation and update from
the City's Community Well-Being and Safety Coordinator be
received and shared with the Central Cariboo Joint Committee at an
upcoming meeting for information, and a letter be sent to the
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General highlighting the
success of this position and program and formally requesting
provincial funding toward continuation of the Community Well Being and Safety Program in the City of Williams Lake; and further, staff be requested to report back to Council regarding the Province'
decision to restrict Community Policing access to policing radios.

10) Council received the Minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting held September 27, 2023

11) Council authorized the following, in relation to 2023 Remembrance Day Ceremonies & Poppy Sales

a) approve the Poppy Campaign sale days from October 27, 2023 to
November 11, 2023;

b) approve the barricading of the City Hall parking lot during the
small Remembrance Day ceremony at the Cenotaph on November
11, 2023, and Staff coordinate the placement of barricades as

c) approve the use of the City Hall lobby for accumulation of
wreaths and crosses before and after the Cenotaph ceremony; and

d) authorize the Legion Flag to be displayed on the City's flag pole
for the week of November 7 through 11, 2023

12) Council authorized the Winter Lights Parade to be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023

13) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as of October 24th, 2023

Members of Council provided verbal reports on their recent activities 

Closed Council Session:

RESOLVED -- That Council resolve into a Closed Meeting, following adjournment of the Open Meeting of Council, according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items
identified under Section 90 (1) (a) of the Community Charter -- namely [personal information about an identifiable individual who holds or is being considered for a position as an officer, employee or agent of the municipality or another position appointed by the municipality]

There being no further business -- Council adjourned at 7:41pm

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