Tuesday, November 7, 2023

WL Council Highlights - Nov 7th mtg

Present: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm (via Zoom), Delainey, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson 

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Mayor Rathor recognized that the Council Meeting was being held on the traditional unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting agenda adopted 

Minutes of the Council meeting held October 3rd, 2023 were received and adopted


The Manager of Public Works and the Cariboo Regional District's Manager of Solid Waste appeared before Council to discuss a DRAFT letter of support for the new 2023-2033 Cariboo Regional District Solid Waste Management Plan

Resolved -- THAT Council direct staff to draft a letter of support to the Cariboo Regional District for the Solid Waste Management Plan, which includes feedback on the specific options as discussed by Council at the November 7, 2023 Council meeting and that the draft letter be considered by Council at their November 21, 2023 regular meeting 


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque
and EFT listings dated October 26, 27 and 31, 2023

2) Council received for information the report of the Well-Being and Community Safety Plan Coordinator dated October 23, 2023 regarding an update on RCMP radio use by the Williams Lake
Community Policing Committee

3) Council directed staff to apply for the 2023/2024 Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Business Façade Improvement program in the amount of $20,000

4)  Council awarded the Water Treatment Plant Design & Consulting Services project to Associated Engineering Ltd. for the total amount of $2,915,168, including contingency and excluding GST

5) Council approved the proposed Airport Lease Renewal Agreement with the Cariboo Kennel Club for the lands situated at the old housing area of the Williams Lake Regional Airport for a 3 year term ending December 31st, 2026 

6) Council approved the proposed new 5-year Agreement for the Landfill Site Lease with the Cariboo Regional District for the lands legally described as Lot 1, District Lot 8844, Cariboo District, Plan 43640 and that the matter to Council on December 5, 2023 for formal consideration, once the statutory advertising is complete 

7) Council agreed to a request from Christian and Missionary Alliance – Canadian Pacific District, Inc. No. S15034 (Alliance Church) to enter into an encroachment agreement for the proposed façade entrance encroaching into the dedicated City boulevard on Third Avenue South and that a 20-year agreement for a one-time contribution of $1,000 be entered into, with all costs associated with the execution of the agreement being the responsibility of the property owner.

8) Council concurred with a Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendation, regarding the 2024 Meeting Schedule of the Joint Committee 

9) Council received for information the report of the Director of Community Services dated October 30, 2023 regarding the Expression of Interest to the community for a Snow Angel Program

10) Council received the Minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting held October 25, 2023

11) Council agreed to a request of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Metis Association regarding the raising of the national Metis flag in honour of Louis Riel on November 16, 2023 on the City's flag pole

12) Council received for public information an In-Camera Resolution, as follows:

“That pursuant to Accessibility Advisory Committee Report #04-2023, Council appoint Amanda Schulz as a member of the Accessibility Advisory Committee; and further, that this item be brought forward as a matter of public record once the applicant has been notified of the appointment.” 

13) Late Items 

a) Council agreed to uphold the existing Remedial Action Requirement for the property located at 84 Oliver Street, as passed by Council on September 12, 2023 by Council Resolution No. 356/23

b) Council received the letter from Interior Health dated October 25, 2023, in response to Williams Lake City Council's letter dated October 5, 2023, regarding concerns around the closure sign posted in the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Emergency Department on October 2nd and that the Mayor verbally invite IH CEO Susan Brown to meet with Williams Lake City Council to discuss this issue

c) Council agreed to endorse an application by the Accessibility Advisory Committee (AAC) on behalf of the City of Williams Lake to SPARC BC’s Accessible Parking Awareness Month Grant program, funded through the federal Accessible Canada Social Development Partnership Program and the Provincial Accessibility Secretariat, for $500 toward hosting an event to celebrate the different ways that communities have been successful in advocating for accessible parking or taking steps towards an accessible community.

14) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of November 7th, 2023

Members of Council reported on their recent activities

Closed Council Meeting:

MOVED/Seconded AND Resolved:

That Council now resolve into a Closed Meeting, following adjournment of the Open Meeting -- according to Section 92 of the Community Charter for discussion of items identified under Sections 90 (1) (c) labour relations or other employee relations, and (k) negotiations and related discussions respecting the proposed provision of a municipal service that are at their preliminary stages and that, in the view of the council, could reasonably be expected to harm the interest of the municipality if they were held in public

Council adjourned at 8:07pm

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