Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Quesnel Council Highlights - Dec 5th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Delegation - Canadian Mental Health Association Quesnel Counselling Service

The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) presented a report to Quesnel City Council on their involvement and support in the community and their current sources of funding that are ending at the end of 2023.

Council agreed to provide a letter of support for their funding endeavors.

Delegation – Decriminalization

The City’s Decriminalization Coordinator, Kelsi Andrechuck, presented decriminalization and community engagement highlights to Council. 

Highlights included:

  • Clean Team Update 
  • Needles & Garbage Tracking 
  • Position Summary 
  • Tasks & deliverables 
  • Data & Reporting 
  • Decriminalization policy review
  • Decriminalization facts 
  • Decriminalization resource cards 

Delegation – West Quesnel Business Association

Representatives from the West Quesnel Business Association (WQBIA) provided a 2023 update to Council, highlighting some key elements of what makes the WQBIA a successful local service area while promoting business and success for West Quesnel. 

Among many other achievements in 2023, the WQBIA has welcomed new businesses, enhanced signage and beautification, promoted events, and worked in conjunction with the First Nations Community, for an Indigenous Crosswalk to be installed. The WQBIA has also seen some difficulties with petty crime and unused storefronts. 

Minerals North 2023 Impact Study Report and Videography

An impact study from the Minerals North Conference that was held in Quesnel from May 31 to June 2, 2023, showed $610,000 of economic impact from attendee spending during the conference. The majority of attendees of the conference would recommend Quesnel as a travel destination because of the hospitality and amenities that the City has to offer.  

Accessibility Committee

Council approved members for the new Accessibility Committee which will include representatives from Northern Health, Lhtako Dene, Cariboo Regional District, Dengarry Professional Services Ltd., North Cariboo Seniors’ Council, Family Support Institute of BC, Quesnel Community Living Association, Seniors Advocacy Service, Quesnel Community Living Association, Sign Language interpreter, as well as community members.

Multi-Unit Housing Incentives Bylaw AMENDMENT

Council approved the first reading of City of Quesnel Multi-Unit Housing Incentive Amendment Bylaw No. 1953 to extend the term of the bylaw for an additional 4-years with an expansion of the West Quesnel Incentive Area. 

Proposed Rogers Communication Tower in South Quesnel

The consultation process for the installation of a new Roger’s telecommunications tower located at the end of Balsam Ave E, adjacent to the existing TELUS Tower will improve wireless coverage along Highway 97 in the South Quesnel, Dragon Lake, and South Hill areas within the City of Quesnel and to meet rising demands for wireless services. Council is satisfied with the consultation process that has been conducted to date.

Boat Launch Design

Council approved the use of up to $5,000 from the Council Initiatives fund to complete the Dragon Lake Boat Launch design work.


  • Bylaw 1952 - City of Quesnel Comprehensive Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw 1952, 2023 - Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1953 - City of Quesnel Multi-Unit Housing Incentive Amendment Bylaw 1953, 2024 - First Reading

Lhtako Quesnel 2024 B.C. Winter Games

Organized by the Lhtako Quesnel 2024 BC Winter Games Society, the Games will be held February 22 – 25, 2024. Requiring up to 2000 volunteers, this is an opportunity to witness future Olympians, experience personal satisfaction, or get your children involved in supporting this massive event. Learn more or register today to volunteer.

City of Quesnel Budget Survey

There is still time to share your ideas for the 2024 Budget! Take the budget survey and let Council know which services are most important to you: The survey will close on December 8, 2023.

Paper surveys are available at City Hall, 410 Kinchant St

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