Tuesday, December 19, 2023

WL Council Highlights - December 19th mtg

Present: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Flaspohler, Moses (via Zoom) and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 6:05pm

Mayor Rathor recognized that the Council Meeting was being held on the traditional unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting Agenda approved 

Minutes of the Williams Lake City Council meeting held on December 5th, 2023 were received/adopted


Arjan Bhullar, Team Bhullar Foundation appeared before Council, via Zoom, to discuss a Request for Support for 2025 "Wrestling in Williams Lake" Wee Event

Following the presentation - a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for their time/information... 

Resolved -- That the correspondence from the Team Bhullar Foundation dated November 21, 2023 requesting Council support an inaugural "Wrestling in Williams Lake" week event the week of January 2, 2025 through event promotion and seed funding in the amount of $5,000 be received, and the Foundation be requested to apply to the City for funding via the Grant-in-Aid process in Fall 2024.


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated December 1, 7, 13 and 14, 2023

2) Following Public Input -- Council accepted the development variance permit application from Matlex Holdings Ltd. (DBA Norwest Vac & Environmental), requesting to vary section 409 (1) (a) “Off Street Parking Design Criteria” for “Surface” and Section 416 (1) (a) “Off Street Loading Design Criteria” for “Surface” of City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 to remove paving surface requirements for driveway and loading space surfaces for a proposed commercial vehicle maintenance and repair shop at 555 Marwick Landing, legally described as Lot B, District Lot 8846, Cariboo District, Plan BCP38984; and that Council approved the requested variances.

3) Council approved NDIT Grant Applications, as follows:

a) up to $8,000 under NDIT's Grant Writer Support program
b) NDIT's Economic Development Capacity Building program for up to $50,000 to offset the wages of the Economic Development Manager

4) Council endorsed the Memorandum of Understanding between the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Williams Lake to provide Emergency Support Services (ESS) to residents within the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region... 

5) Council adopted City of Williams Lake Tree Protection Bylaw No. 2400, 2023


6) Council received a letter from the Minister of Housing dated December 8, 2023 regarding the new provincial legislation to support local government housing initiatives and that City Staff were directed to report back on including provincial housing legislation requirements into the City of Williams Lake's Official Community Plan, 2011 

7) Council received a letter from the federal Minister of Canadian Heritage dated December 1, 2023 responding to correspondence from the City expressing concerns regarding the Online News Act

8) Council proclaimed the week of  January 21 to 28, 2024 as Family Literacy Week

9) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of December 19th, 2023 - and City Staff were directed to provide an emailed response to Council in respect of the letter from Mr. John Pickford regarding financial handling of Williams Lake Water and Sewer Utility Funds

Members of Council provided verbal reports on their recent activities 

Council adjourned at 7:02pm

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