Friday, January 12, 2024

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - January 12th, 2023 mtg

Present: Chair Wagner/Vice Chair Neufeld; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, LeBourdais (via electronic means), Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman, Paull, Rathor and Pinkney

Meeting called to order at 9:57am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the Regional District Board Meeting held December 8th, 2023 were received/adopted

Delegation - 11:30am:

Christa Pooley appeared remotely to present an annual update of the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee's activities to the Board

Following her presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Ms. Pooley for her time/information


Development Services

1) South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5453, 2023 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5454, 2023 were both given 1st/2nd Readings with adoption be withheld until:

The applicant offering to enter into and entering into a Section 219 covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to sewage disposal system and riparian protection and that the cost of registration of the Shoreland Management covenant be borne by the applicants.

(Area G/3676 Doyle Rd)

2) Following a Public Hearing -- South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5442, 2023 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5443, 2023 were both given 3rd Reading

(Area G/Adjacent to 4833 Telqua Drive)

3) The Board approved an application for a Development Variance Permit pertaining to District Lot 1922, Lillooet District, Except Plans 18881 and 26801 be issued to vary Section 4.26 (c) (iii) (1) of the South Cariboo Area Bylaw No. 3501, 1999 as follows:

That the maximum total floor area of a secondary dwelling be increased from 130 square metres (1400 square feet) to 193 square metres (2077.43 square feet) to permit construction of a new principal dwelling.

(Area L/7442 Highway #24)

4) The Board concurred with a request of Rogers for a new cell phone tower at 4953 Cariboo Hwy 97 South (108 Mile Ranch - beside Spruce Hill Resort/Spa)

5) The Board appointed Chad Stump, David Zirnhelt, and Megan Flatt to the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee for a two-year term ending December 31, 2025

6) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings/Adoption to Development Procedures, Guidelines and Fees Bylaw No. 5458, 2024 - background here

7) The Board considered requests of the Agricultural Development Advisory Committee, as follows:

CRD initiate developing a Drought Preparedness Plan and a Drought Emergency Response protocol

* Allocation of staff time to investigate the development of Livestock Exclusion Fencing as a Local Service Area Function

and referred the issue of fencing to Committee of the Whole for discussion regarding Highway 24/accountability for fencing as well as writing the Agriculture Development Advisory Committee to advising them of the status of their requests... 

Community Services:

a) The Board approved a request of the 108 Mile Ranch Community Association for $1,000 for the purpose of a mutigenerational Family Day event.  Funding to be provided by the Area "G" Grant for Assistance budget

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area "D")

Protective Services:

a) The Board was provided a verbal update from the Regional Fire Chief (R. Hollander)


a) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report for the month of December 2023, in the amount of $4,090,366.54


a) The Board received notice from the North Central Local Government Association regarding 2024 Resolutions and directed Staff to prepare 2024 NCLGA Resolutions concerning Emergency and Disaster Management Act - request for regulation specific to RD's; ALC Letter of Intent and that Director Forseth will investigate the name change of UBCM to include local governments/Indigenous govts and report back to the Board

b) The Board agreed to cancel the Committee of the Whole meeting and Board on the Road meeting originally scheduled for June 13 and 14, 2024 and hold a Board Meeting on June 20th, 2023 to accommodate the calendar of the CAO/Deputy CAO respecting their attendance at a LGMA (Local Government Management Association of BC) Conference in June 2024 

Resolved - That Staff/Director Sjostrom be authorized to look into holding a "Board on the Road" event on May 23/24, 2024 in Electoral Area "A"

c) The Board received the Consent Calendar as of January 12th, 2024

Committee/Commission Recommendations:

a) The Board received minutes of recently held Committee or Commission meetings

b) The Board endorsed 2 recommendations from a previous meeting of the South Cariboo Joint Committee, as follows:

* THAT the agenda item summary from Kathie Vilkas, Regional Economic & Community Development Officer, dated November 30, 2023, regarding 2024 Annual Intake Grants for Assistance South Cariboo applications requiring follow-up and further discussion, be received. Further, that $5,000 be approved for the Cariboo Family Enrichment Centre's age-friendly program apportioned as $1,500 from Electoral Area G, $1,000 from Electoral Area H, and $1,000 from Electoral Area L, and that the organization be requested to attend as a delegation in June 2024 to provide an update on the program.

AND THAT $3,000 be approved for the Interlakes Community Centre Society towards bingo equipment from Electoral Area L.

* THAT the South Cariboo Recreation Centre site plan be received. Further, that an open house be held in January or February for recreation user groups to provide information on their current activities and future plans to the Joint Committee.

c) The Board endorsed 2 recommendations from a previous meeting of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee, as follows:

* That the Central Cariboo Joint Committee commit to prioritizing the Esler Fields Access Road Project for future grant opportunities and that staff be directed to prioritize such grant opportunities."

That funds be allocated in the 2024 Grants For Assistance budget for the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake, to be allocated as $5,000 from Electoral Area D, $2,500 from Electoral Area E and $2,500 from Electoral Area F, for a total of $10,000.

Corporate Bylaws:

a) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to West Fraser Fire Protection Service Boundary Amendment Bylaw No. 5459, 2024 

b) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Forest Grove Fire Protection Service Area Expansion Bylaw No. 5460, 2024

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area "D") 

c) At the request of Director Forseth, the Board deferred consideration of Central Cariboo Search and Rescue Service Amendment Bylaw No. 5461, 2024 until the stakeholders of the Central Cariboo Search and Rescue Service (CRD Areas D,E,F,G) as well as the Director for Williams Lake (S. Rathor) can discuss Bylaw #5461, 2024 in further detail 

Directors' Requests:

1) At the request of Director Coleman (District of Wells) -- the Board appointed Directors Massier and LeBourdais to the Osisko Development Table

Closed (In-Camera) Board Session:

At 1:00pm -- the Board recessed to a Closed (In-Camera) Board Session as per Sections 92 and 90(1a,b,g,k,l - appointment, award, litigation, negotiations and strategic planning) of the Community Charter 

At 2:43pm -- the Board resumed its' Open Meeting 

The Board adjourned at 3:03pm

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