Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Central Cariboo Joint Committee Highlights - Jan 24th mtg

Present in the Cariboo RD Boardroom -- Mayor Rathor, Councillors Moses/Nelson and Directors Forseth/Neufeld

Present via teleconference: Director M. LeBourdais

In the Chair: Mayor SPS Rathor

Meeting called to order at 5:30pm

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and asked Committee members to ensure that their mobile device was put into silent mode or turned off... 

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of meetings of the Committee held November 22nd (Regular)/December 18th (Special), 2023 were both adopted  


Laurie Walters, Executive Director, and Liane Nunn, Communications Coordinator from the Williams Lake and Area Social Planning Council, appeared before the Committee to speak to the Social Planning Council's proposed project as noted in its 2023 Grant-in-Aid applications

Following their presentation - a Question/Answer period ensued 

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information


1) The Committee received the following items for information:

* Central Cariboo Arts and Culture Society Fall 2023 Grant Award Update
* Williams Lake Slo-Pitch 2023 Year in Review
* Williams Lake Youth Soccer Association 2023 Report

2) The Committee discussed the following items:

* Williams Lake Airshed Planning
* CMRC (Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex) Inclusivity of Indigenous Users
* Joint Cariboo RD/City of Williams Lake Grant in Aid Process
* Rotary Club's Kiwanis Greenspace Proposal for a Seniors Activity Park

Following discussion, the following Resolutions of the Committee were agreed to:

a) That Staff bring back a report as to background of Williams Lake Airshed Planning, Williams Lake Airshed Roundtable, current status and next steps/key targets

b) That staff investigate options for transitioning the City of Williams Lake/Cariboo RD going back to a joint grant for assistance process and bring forward a report to transition to a Joint process in time for the 2025 intake (Sept - Nov 2024)

c) That the Committee endorse in principle the location of the Rotary Club's Kiwanis Greenspace Proposal for a Seniors Activity Park and that staff bring back a full report on financing, timelines, etc. before making decisions regarding potential financing

3) Action Page

Following discussion -- the Committee agreed to receive the Action Page and directed that Item #5 be removed from the Action Page

The Committee adjourned at 7:10pm

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