Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Committee of the Whole Session (WL Council) - Jan 9th mtg

Present: Mayor Rathor (Chair); Councillors Boehm, Delainey, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses (via Zoom) and Nelson (via Zoom) 

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

The Chair recognized that the Committee of the Whole Meeting was being held on the traditional unceded and ancestral lands/territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw

Meeting agenda adopted 

Minutes of Committee of the Whole meetings held on November 28th (Regular) and December 4th (Special) were both received/adopted


1) Steve Forseth, Cariboo RD Electoral Area "D" Director - Presentation and Update on Pine Valley Sewer System 2024 Business Plan and Financials

2) Dave Dickson, Rotary Club of Williams Lake - Proposal for Seniors Activity Park in Kiwanis Park Greenspace
3) Stuart Westie - Request for NCLGA/UBCM Resolution Supporting Legislative Changes to Permit Alkaline Hydrolysis Process in BC

Following presentations from each of the delegations -- a Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked each of the delegations for their time/information

Business Arising from Delegations:

Resolved -- 

1) That the presentation from Steve Forseth, Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area "D" Director, regarding an update on the 2024 Business Plan and Financials for the Pine Valley Sewer System be received for information.

2) That the presentation from Dave Dickson, Rotary Club of Williams Lake regarding a proposal for a seniors activity park to be located in the vacant greenspace in Kiwanis Park located on Cameron Street adjacent to the playground area be received and that Council endorse the project in principle, including the proposed location, and direct staff to bring forward a report outlining additional information on the project (i.e. estimated cost of in-kind contribution from City for installation of equipment, etc.) to a future Council meeting for consideration of approval and finally that this item be referred to the Central Cariboo Joint Committee

3) That the presentation of Stuart Westie requesting Council to submit a resolution to the 2023 NCLGA Convention encouraging the provincial government to make amendments to the Cemetery, Interment and Funeral Services Act to permit the alkaline hydrolysis (aquamation) process for funeral services in BC be received for information and that a 2024 NCLGA Resolution be prepared and finally, that the Cariboo Regional District be requested to unite with the City of Williams Lake in a joint NCLGA Resolution on this matter 


1) Discussion Item - Local Healthcare Services (Councillor Nelson)

Councillor Nelson provided a verbal report to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon...

Resolved -- That  a meeting be scheduled for Council with our local government appointee to Interior Health, Chief Willie Sellars, to discuss the City's concerns with related healthcare delivery services to our community/region and that a meeting also be requested with MLA Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Health

The Committee adjourned at 7:43pm

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