Monday, January 1, 2024

Steve's Meeting/Expense Calendar - December 2023

In the month of December 2023 -- I attended the following meetings or events:

* December 6th -- McLeese Lake Recreation Commission meeting

* December 8th -- Cariboo RD Board Meeting (part) 

* December 16th - Annual Community Christmas Dinner at McLeese Lake Community Hall

* December 18th - Special Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting to conclude 2024 Budget Discussions for the Central Cariboo Recreation Service of Cariboo RD as well as discuss a Joint Grant to the Social Planning Council of Williams Lake and Area, funded equally between Cariboo RD Areas D,E,F and Williams Lake City Council 

* December 22nd -- Annual Thank You Lunch for Cariboo RD Area "D" Alternate Director Phyllis Webstad for her public service to the residents' of Cariboo RD Area "D" in 2023 with special guest -- Williams Lake City Councillor Micheal Moses

In addition, responded to inquiries from Cariboo RD Area "D" residents' via phone/text, email or social media and followed up with appropriate individuals, whether Cariboo RD Staff or provincial Ministry Staff...   

As to my expenses submitted in the month of December, 2023:

None submitted

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