Thursday, January 11, 2024

Warming Centre Available at CMRC in Williams Lake during Extreme Cold Warning

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake has opened a daytime warming centre for use inside the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex (CMRC) during this week’s expected extreme cold weather in Williams Lake and the Cariboo region.

Environment Canada predicts temperatures to drop to close to -30C overnight tonight, January 10, remaining well below average until early next week.

The CMRC warming centre will be open from 9 am until 5 pm beginning Thursday, January 11 in the CMRC lobby where a space will be available for respite.

Depending on the duration of the extreme cold weather, the City will adjust or extend its warming centre availability moving forward.

For anyone requiring temporary overnight accommodations the Hamilton Inn Shelter on Sixth Avenue South operated by Canadian Mental Health Association – Cariboo Chilcotin Branch has 15 beds available throughout the winter. 

The Cariboo Friendship Society on Third Avenue South also remains open during the day to allow shelter clients to stay out of the cold. In addition, it offers 30 beds, including a family unit, as temporary overnight accommodations.

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