Tuesday, January 16, 2024

WL Council Highlights - Jan 16th mtg

Present: Mayor SPS Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Delainey, Lyons, Moses and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of the previous Williams Lake City Council meeting held on December 19th, 2023 was adopted

Meeting Video here


1) Inspector Robert Lake, Williams Lake RCMP Detachment Officer in Charge appeared before Council to present the August to December 2023 Police Commission Report

2) Denise Deschene and Ruth Lloyd, Go By Bike Williams Lake and Streets for All Williams Lake appeared before Council to discuss their Fall 2023 Update

Following each presentation -- a Question and Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked each delegation for their time and information

Business Arising from Delegations:

1) Council received for information the Police Commission Report for August to December 2023 from Inspector Robert Lake, Officer in Charge for the Williams Lake RCMP detachment

2) Council received the presentation from the Go By Bike Williams Lake and Streets for All Williams Lake group regarding an update on the October 2023 Go By Bike / Active Transportation events and activities, and a request for continued support for safer streets for bikes, pedestrians and mobility devices


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated December 21, 22 and 28, 2023 and January 4, 8 and 11, 2024

2) At the request of Councillor Nelson -- Council agreed to the following Resolution relating to Bill C-48 (new Reverse Onus Bail Federal Legislation)

That Council officially advise Crown Counsel, the judiciary and the RCMP that it takes a policy position that it objects to prolific offenders being released on bail into the community of Williams Lake in accordance with Bill C-48; and further, that Council request both the provincial and federal governments to implement secure, mandatory care for offenders dealing with addiction and mental health issues, particularly prolific offenders.

Council divided - Motion agreed to by the following vote:

Affirmative: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm and Lyons

Negative: Councillors A. Delainey and M. Moses

3) Council received for information the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated January 10, 2024 regarding administration charges to City of Williams Lake water and sewer utility funds in relation to a letter from Mr. John Pickford dated December 10th, 2023 regarding concerns on the same subject

4) Council awarded the Janitorial Services contract for City Hall, the Fire Hall, the City Works Yard, the Tourist Discovery Centre and the Williams Lake Regional Airport to DRG Professional Building Maintenance for a two-year term, effective February 1, 2024, for the proposed annual amount of $149,553.00, plus applicable taxes; 

City Staff were also authorized to award one optional one-year renewal contract not to exceed $149,553.00, and the annual janitorial services budget be increased by $15,550 to accommodate this agreement

5) Council endorsed 3 Recommendations from a previous Committee of the Whole meeting, as follows:

i) The presentation from Dave Dickson, Rotary Club of Williams Lake regarding a proposal for a seniors activity park to be located in the vacant greenspace in Kiwanis Park located on Proctor Street adjacent to the playground area be received and Council endorse the project in principle, including the proposed location, and direct staff to bring forward a report outlining additional information on the project (i.e. estimated cost of in-kind contribution from City for installation of equipment, etc.) to a future Council meeting for consideration; and further, that prior to Council approval the matter be forwarded to the Central Cariboo Joint Committee for discussion.

ii) The presentation of Stuart Westie requesting Council to submit a resolution to the 2023 NCLGA Convention encouraging the provincial government to make amendments to the Cemetery, Interment and Funeral Services Act to permit the alkaline hydrolysis (aquamation) process for funeral services in BC be received and Council support in principle providing the requested resolution; and further, that the Cariboo Regional District co-sponsor an NCLGA resolution with the City on this topic.

iii) A meeting be scheduled for Council and our local government appointee to Interior Health, Chief Willie Sellars, to discuss the City's concerns with related healthcare delivery services to our community and region, and that a meeting also be sought with the BC Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Health Jennifer Rice.

6) Council received the Minutes of the Special Central Cariboo Joint Committee Meeting held December 18, 2023

7) Council received the letter from Cariboo-Prince George MP Todd Doherty dated January 9, 2024 and Council recognize the significance and importance of this initiative to ensure critical barriers are removed to those in a crisis and seeking help by endorsing the 988 crisis line initiative and displaying the 988 Crisis Line Information Poster in all municipally owned and operated buildings

8) Council agreed to provide a letter in support of Phyllis Webstad being presented with a plaque in LoLo's honour on behalf of the Federal and Provincial governments at the Jean Baptiste LoLo Cultural Event being held on June 1, 2024 in Kamloops, BC

9) Council received the poster and sponsorship information package for the Williams Lake & District Chamber of Commerce' 'Business at its Best!' event being held Saturday, February 10, 2024 at the Tourism Discovery Centre and Council directed that it shared on the City's social media pages

10) Council proclaimed the week of February 19 to 25, 2024 as "Heritage Week" in the City of Williams Lake

11) Council ratified the In Camera poll of Council conducted on December 20, 2023 authorizing a Certificate of Appreciation to be provided to Dale Taylor in recognition of his 40 years in local radio, and further that this resolution be brought forward to a public meeting after the certificate has been presented

12) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of January 16th, 2024

Members of Council and the CAO provided verbal reports on their recent activities... 

Council adjourned at 7:35pm 

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