Saturday, February 10, 2024

Feedback sought on Cariboo RD's 2024 budget

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is once again seeking feedback from residents about its proposed 2024 budget. A balance of revenue, expenses, and transfers between funds results in a total $69.75 million budget for 2024 to support the CRD’s services, representing a $794,302 increase over 2023’s budget of $68.96 million. This budget supports the delivery of solid waste management, recreation, fire protection, and utility services across the Cariboo. $32.73 million of that amount is funded by taxation, representing an overall increase of $2.9 million.

Before the CRD can adopt its budget, it must conduct public consultation on its proposals first. The CRD has 122 services it covers in its budget, and each one needs to balance out – the money coming in must cover what's going out. If there's any extra cash or plans to dip into savings, it must also be included in the budget.

Residents can participate and provide their feedback on the budget by:

“The feedback we get from residents helps us understand the needs of the region, and how well our budget meets those needs” said Jim Glassford, Chair of the Finance-Budget Committee and Director for Electoral Area “I” (Nazko-West Fraser). “Some of the feedback we can use in our last stages of financial planning, and other feedback highlights opportunities to connect with residents down the road. No matter when you give it to us, we seriously consider what we hear from our constituents.”

In addition to social media, the CRD will be sending information to residents by mail. This information will provide a more focused overview of services available to residents in an electoral area, as opposed to a general overview. By providing information through multiple channels, it hopes to increase awareness about the opportunity for residents to comment on the budget.

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