Friday, March 1, 2024

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - March 1st mtg

Present -- Chair Wagner/Vice Chair Neufeld; Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman, Paull, Rathor, and Pinkney 

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and welcomed both Gordon Keener, Treaty Manager for Xat'sull FN as well as newly appointed Area "A" Alternate Director Charlotte Kurta to today's meeting

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the previous Regional District Board Meeting were received/adopted

The Board received a number of "Information-Only" items


Development Services:

1) Following Public Hearings -- the Board granted 3rd Reading to the following Land Use Bylaws:

*  Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5446, 2023 (Area A/Hazard Road)
*  Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5446, 2023 (Area A/Jasper Street)

2) The Board adopted South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5442, 2023 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5443, 2023 (Area G/adjacent to 4833 Telqua Dr)

3) The Board authorized the following in relation to Agriculture Land Commission applications:

*  Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for non-farm use, pertaining to Block A (Plan B5167), District Lot 3139, Cariboo District be authorized for submission to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, with a recommendation for approval, subject to rezoning (Area A/1387 Maple Drive)

* That the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for non-farm use, pertaining to Block A of District Lot 2828, Lillooet District and Part of District Lot 2828 between Block A and D, Lillooet District be authorized for submission to the Provincial Agricultural Land Commission, with a recommendation for approval (Area G/4202 Cariboo Hwy 97 South) 

4) The Board directed staff to undertake public notice and facilitate a public information meeting, at the applicant’s expense, with respect to the Board’s consideration of amendment of covenant KM021341 on title of Lot 1, District Lot 2866, Lillooet District, Plan 30570 for property at 4072 Lac La Hache Station Road in Area "G"

5) The Board agreed to provide a "Concurrence Resolution" for a new TELUS Cell Tower near Hourglass Lake in Area "J", as follows:

That the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors' concur with the TELUS proposal to construct a telecommunications tower BC105335, located on That Parcel or Tract of Land in the Vicinity of Hourglass Lake, Range 3, Coast District, Containing 4.002 Hectares, More or Less (Crown file 5408145). Further, that staff be instructed to advise TELUS that:

The Cariboo Regional District is satisfied with TELUS’s consultation process, as outlined in ISED’s Default Public Consultation Process:

* That the proposed tower is a permitted use;
* The proposed design and location is acceptable;
* That the Cariboo Regional District has been consulted and concurs with the tower location.

6) The Board authorized Staff to submit an application for project costs up to $150,000 to the 2024 UBCM Local Government Development Approvals Program in support of the consolidation review of Regional District zoning and rural land use bylaws and that they be authorized to undertake all required grant management activities, as necessary.


1) The Board endorsed 2024 NCLGA Resolutions and to be considered at the 2024 NCLGA Convention in Smithers, BC as follows:

* ALC Notice of Intent Requirements for Ancillary Residential Structures
* Joint NCLGA Resolution with City of Williams Lake supporting Legislative Changes to permit Alkaline Hydrolysis Process

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors Pare, Anderson and De Vries (Areas J,K,L) 

* Action to Address Challenges Facing B.C.’s Rural Seniors


1) The Board dealt with Year Round Grants for Assistance, as follows:

* Quesnel Prospectors Car Club -- $1,000 funded by Areas A,B and I Grant for Assistance funds equally

* Williams Lake Cycling Club -- $1,000 funded by Areas D,E,F Grant for Assistance funds equally

Committee/Commission Recommendations:

1) The Board endorsed recommendations from previously-held Regional District Committees' or Commissions meetings', as follows:

* That the operating and occupancy agreements with the 100 Mile House Curling Club be renewed for a five-year term with the current conditions, including an annual fee of $12,000 payable by the club and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to execute the agreements.

* That a media release be issued regarding development of an agreement between the District of 100 Mile House and the Cariboo Regional District for management of the South Cariboo Recreation Centre to begin in April 2024

* That Northern Directors' be appointed to Committees, as follows:

- South-Central Regional Advisory Committee to UNBC/CNC - Director Sjostrom

- North Cariboo Air Quality Roundtable - Director Massier

- North Cariboo Seniors Council - Director Sjostrom

- Quesnel Housing Solutions Table - Director Bachmeier

- City of Quesnel Accessibility Committee - Director Sjostrom

* That Director Wagner be appointed to the South Cariboo Chamber of Commerce and Director Richmond be appointed to the South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation for 2024

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board adopted Barlow Creek Fire Protection Service Area Amendment Bylaw No. 5462, 2024

Board Directors' Requests:

1) At the request of Director Bachmeier (Area "B") -- the Board agreed to provide a letter of support to the Echen Healing Society for their funding application to the TELUS Indigenous Communities Fund

2) At the request of Director Forseth (Area "D") -- the Board agreed to the following:

That a letter be forwarded to the Hon. Ravi Kahlon, BC Minister of Housing, requesting that discussions occur between the Cariboo Regional District and Ministry of Housing staff regarding Cariboo Regional District participation in the Province’s “Secondary Suite Incentive Program” those Electoral Areas that are in the Cariboo Regional District’s Building Inspection service 

3) At the request of Directors Bachmeier and Forseth (Areas "B" + "D") -- the Board authorized access up to $2,000 from the Areas "B" and "D" Director Initiative Funds for permit Directors' Bachmeier and Forseth to attend the 2024 "Keeping It Rural" Conference being held in Kelowna BC from May 21-23, 2024

4) At the request of Director Richmond (Area "G") -- the Board authorized access to the Area "G" Director Initiative Fund up to $600 in order to facilitate an appreciation dinner for the 108 Greenbelt Commission

Delegation - 11:30am

Patti Gerhardi, Destination & Experience Manager and Judith Call, Destination Experience for the Chilcotin and Outer Coast and Accessibility Manager from the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast Tourism Association appeared before the Board to present information regarding the Association's services

Following CCCTA's presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked the delegation for their time/information

Directors' reported on their recent activities and then the Board adjourned 

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