Friday, April 12, 2024

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - April 12th mtg

Present: Chair Wagner and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman, Alternate Directors Roodenburg and Nelson (Quesnel, Williams Lake)

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and welcomed Alternate Directors Roodenburg and Nelson (Quesnel, Williams Lake) to today's meeting of the Cariboo Regional District Board 

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the previous Regional District Board Meeting were received/adopted


1) The Board rejected 1st/2nd Readings to South Cariboo Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5464, 2024 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5465, 2024 for property at 4710 Kitwanga Drive in Area "G"

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Bachmeier (Area "B") 

2) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5455, 2023 for property at 3364 Cariboo Hwy 97 in Area "G"

3) The Board adopted Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5448, 2023 for property on Jasper Street in Area "A"

4) The Board approved DVP/Development Variance Permit #7-2024 for property at 4787 Leflar Road in Area "A"

5) The Board approved Development Permit #9-2024 for property at 1381 Sam Toy Road in Area "A"

6) The Board agreed to submit a Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application for subdivision pertaining to Lot 1, District Lots 3225, 8685 and 8686, Lillooet District, Plan KAP45337 for property at 3281 English Road in Area "E"

7) The Board agreed to support a liquor primary license for 6046 Highway 24 – Lot 2, District Lot 4038, Lillooet District, Plan 35085 for property at 6046 Highway 24 in Area "L"

8) The Board agreed to participate as a sub-applicant to the 2024 CEPF Evacuation Route Planning project. Further, that the Board approve Williams Lake First Nation, as the primary applicant, to apply for, receive, and manage the grant funding on the Cariboo Regional District’s behalf

AND THAT the District of Wells' application for emergency egress via the Purden Connector be supported by the Cariboo Regional District

AND FINALLY THAT a discussion about high-level planning with other stakeholders for emergency egress routes in each electoral area in the Regional District be included on an upcoming Board agenda.

Meeting recessed at 10:55am
Meeting resumed at 11:04am

9) The Board received/ratified Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of March 2024, in the amount of $1,609,228.60.00

10) The Board dealt with Year Round Grant for Assistance applications, as follows:

i) Tatlayoko Field Station Society - $1,000 from Area "J"
ii) Tyee Lake Community Association - $1,000 from Area "D"
iii) Eagle View Riding Club Gymkhana Series - $1,000 from Areas "E" and "K"
iv) Kersley Players - $1,000 from Areas "A", "B" and "I"
v) Anahim Lake Community Association - $1,000 from Area "J"
vi) Williams Lake Studio Theatre Society - $1,000 from Areas D,E,F divided equally

11) The Board agreed to submit NDIT/Northern Development Initiative Trust applications, as follows:

Lightning Creek Ski Club Event Centre Timing System Phase 2
Anahim Lake Community Hall Potable Water
Gold Rush Trail Outdoor Sports Marketing Campaign

12) The Board assigned speakers to 2024 NCLGA Resolutions for Cariboo RD Resolutions

13) The Board received a number of "Information-Only" items and after discussion, referred the corporate sponsorship request of the Billy Barkers Days Society to the North Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus for consideration

14) The Board endorsed recommendations from previously held Committees/Commissions meetings', as follows:

a) Committee of the Whole recommendations:

That the draft 2023-2027 Engagement Strategy be endorsed, as presented at the March 21, 2024 Committee of the Whole meeting

That the Cariboo Regional District provide support to Atlantic Power in Williams Lake in operating the biomass plant there and request the appropriate BC Cabinet Ministers/Premier to provide flexibility in contract negotiations to ensure the long-term viability of Atlantic Power to Williams Lake and the Cariboo Region.

b) North Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations:

* That the 2024 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks capital plan be amended to include repairs to the sprinkler system at the soccer complex at an estimated cost of $13,500

That the Cariboo Regional District Board and Quesnel City Council enter into the attached five-year management agreement with the Alex Fraser Park Society regarding the management of Alex Fraser Park, and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to execute the agreement

That the City of Quesnel, as the Manager of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service, enter into the attached 5- year agreement with the Quesnel Jr A. Hockey Club for use of the West Fraser Centre

That the proposed North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Management agreement between the Cariboo Regional District and the City of Quesnel be renewed for a five-year term (2024-2028) and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to execute the agreement

15) The Board adopted Forest Grove Fire Protection Service Area Expansion Bylaw No. 5474, 2024 and 100 Mile House Fire Protection Service Boundary Expansion Bylaw No. 5466, 2024

16) The Board gave 3 Readings to and adopted the following 2 Bylaws:

Cariboo Regional District Water Rates Bylaw No. 5472, 2024 (Areas A,E,F,G,H,K,L)
Cariboo Regional District Sewer Rates Bylaw No. 5473, 2024 (Areas A,D,G,K)

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:07pm
Meeting resumed at 12:49pm

Directors' reported on their recent activities 

Closed Board Session:

At 1:21pm -- the Board recessed to a Closed Meeting as per Section 90(1c - labour) of the Community Charter

Resume Open Board Session:

At 1:50pm -- the Board resumed its' Open Meeting

The Board adjourned at 1:51pm

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