Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Upcoming Prescribed Burns - Neewa Creek/Tsideldel

From the BC Wildfire Service:

Upcoming Prescribed Burns, as follows:

1) Neewa Creek (Cariboo RD Area "B")

The BC Wildfire service will be conducting a prescribed burn in the area of Neewa Creek. This burn is approximately 24.25 hectares in size and located north and west of Comstock and Batnuni Lakes in the Comstock Rang Unit.

The goal of this prescribed burn is to reduce coniferous and deciduous tree encroachment that results in a loss of forage and habitat for wildlife and livestock. Prescribed fire restores promotes the growth of natural grasslands and First Nations traditional plants.

Burning may begin as early as April 3, 2024 until April 15, 2024. Burning will be dependent on weather, site and venting conditions to allow for quick smoke dissipation

2) Tŝideldel (Cariboo RD Area "K")

The BC Wildfire Service in collaboration with Tŝideldel First Nation will be conducting a series of prescribed burns 188 kilometres west of Williams Lake within the community of Tŝideldel. The total area to be burned is approximately 15 hectares in size, divided into parcels located on the north and south side of Highway 20.

The goal of this prescribed burn is to reduce wildfire risk by eliminating fuels. This will create a fuel break between the community and the surrounding grasslands and promote the growth of native grasses.

Burning may start as early as April 3, 2024 and continue periodically until April 11,2024. Burning will be dependent on weather, site and venting conditions to allow for quick smoke dissipation. Smoke and flames will be visible in the area, with firefighters monitoring the fire activity at all times.

Prescribed fire is often used to help protect communities and infrastructure in the wildland-urban interface, where developed areas border on forests or grasslands. The removal of fine fuels helps slow the spread of wildfires and is an opportunity for BC Wildfire Service staff to work with the community of Tŝideldel.

To report a wildfire, unattended campfire or open burning violation, call 1 800 663-5555 toll-free or *5555 on a cell phone.

Learn More:

A factsheet about prescribed burns and ecosystem restoration burns is available online: https://news.gov.bc.ca/factsheets/prescribed-burns-reduce-wildfire-risks

You can follow the latest wildfire news:

• on the free BC Wildfire Service public mobile app, available for Apple (iOS) and Android devices
• on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/BCGovFireInfo
• on Facebook at: http://facebook.com/BCForestFireInfo

For questions/concerns, please contact:

Fire Information Officer
Cariboo Fire Centre
BC Wildfire Service
778 799-2100

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