Wednesday, April 10, 2024

WL Council Highlights - April 9th mtg

Present: Mayor Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Delainey (entered meeting at 6:10pm), Flaspohler, Lyons Moses and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw. 

Public Hearing - 6:00pm

1) Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2407, 2024 (98 3rd Avenue South)

The Corporate Officer explained the purpose and intent of Bylaw #2407, 2024

The Mayor called 3 times for public input -- none received

Bylaw referred to Council for consideration of 3rd Reading
Public Hearing adjourned at 6:04pm

Regular Council Meeting - 6:04pm

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of the previous Williams Lake City Council meeting held on March 26th, 2024 were  received/adopted

Matters from Public Hearing:

1) Following a Public Hearing held earlier in the meeting -- Council gave 3rd Reading to and adopted Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2407, 2024


1) Maureen Straza, Accessibility Advisory Committee Chair appeared before Council to present the Accessibility Advisory Committee - 2023 Year-End Report

Following her presentation - a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked Ms. Straza for her presentation

2) Beth Holden, Dena Baumann and Frances McCoubrey from the Williams Lake Cycling Club appeared before Council to discuss the First Annual Women's Bikefest

Following their presentation - a Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked the delegation for her presentation

Business Arising from Delegations:

1) Council received for information the report of the Accessibility Advisory Committee Chair and Legislative Services Assistant Coordinator dated February 27, 2024 regarding a summary of the AAC's goals and successes from 2023 

2) Council received for information the presentation from Beth Holden, Dena Baumann and Frances McCoubrey of the Williams Lake Cycling Club regarding the First Annual Women's Bikefest 


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated March 27, 28 and April 4, 2024

2) Council received the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated March 27, 2024 regarding the 2024 budget info and consultation session results

3) Council provided direction on the zoning amendment application to permit a permanent metal shipping container on the property at 3018 Edwards Drive and resolved:

That Council receives the application from Rose Lamarche, requesting to amend the City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 by amending Section 304.1 ‘Permitted Land Use’ in Two Family Residential zone to allow a permanent metal shipping container as a permitted land use on the subject property located at 3018 Edwards Drive, legally described as LOT 5 DISTRICT LOT 8843 CARIBOO DISTRICT PLAN 12213, and further; first and second readings be given to the Zoning Bylaw No. 2411, 2024, and staff be directed to issue a notice of the application to surrounding property owners and tenants within a 100-metre radius of the subject property and Public Hearing be scheduled for May 28th, 2024 at 6:00 PM in Council Chambers of City Hall. 

4) Council approved entering into a renewed agreement with the Cariboo Regional District for the City’s use of the Regional District Pine Valley Sewer System for the purposes of the Williams Lake Regional Airport

5) Council awarded the request for proposal for the purchase of a 2025 114SD Freightliner single axle dump truck to Velocity Truck Centre for the purchase price of $337,636.00 including all applicable taxes

6) Council approved the use of City staff and equipment for the hauling of material for the 2024 Indoor Rodeo event

7) Council directed that the May 7th, 2024 Regular Council Meeting be cancelled to allow Council members to attend the “Nenqayni Chi’s Deni Wedli” Let’s Live Indigenous - Canadian History Through a Tsilhqot’in Lens” event

8) Council received the "Council Information Package" as of April 9th, 2024 and at the request of Councillor Moses -- Staff were directed to prepare a Proclamation declaring May 17th, 2024 as "International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia" in the City of Williams Lake as well as changing the exterior lighting at City Hall on May 17th to pink, in celebration of this day

Members of Council provided verbal reports on their recent activities

Council adjourned at 7:31pm

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