Sunday, May 12, 2024

BC Local Government Awareness Week - May 12 to 18, 2024


May 12-18, 2024 is “Local Government Awareness Week” in B.C. 

This year’s theme is “Infrastructure” which is timely given also this coming Wednesday is “Asset Management Awareness Day” in B.C. as well and BC Local Governments are now recognizing the basic necessity for having asset management planning in place to ensure that their infrastructure is sustainable from the time it is constructed to the time that it needs to be replaced. 

Thank you to all who have a specific role in local government — whether that is elected officials (Mayors, Councillors, Area Directors), local government staff (Chief Administrative Officers, managers, etc.) or members of the public who have a strong interest in what their local government is doing for them…. Your commitment to this enterprise called local government is gratefully appreciated…. 

Finally, I will be outlying during the week the various forms of local governments’ in British Columbia such as municipal councils, regional district boards and a lesser known form of local government called improvement districts… 

Local Government Awareness Week is an ongoing initiative hosted by the Union of BC Municipalities, BC local government partnership agencies such as the Local Government Management Association of B.C. and the Province of British Columbia 

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