Friday, May 3, 2024

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - May 3rd, 2024 mtg


Chair Wagner and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Rathor and Alternate Directors' Roodenburg and Funk (Quesnel/Wells)

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw and welcomed Alternate Directors Roodenburg and Funk to today's meeting

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the previous Regional District Board Meeting were received/adopted


1) At 11:30am -- JoAnn Francis, CPA, CA of PMT Chartered Professional Accountants appeared before the Board to present the Audited 2023 Cariboo Regional District Financial Statements

Following the presentation - a Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked the delegation for her time/information

2) At 12:00pm -- Beth Holden, CRD Regional Economic Development Officer appeared before the Board to present information regarding the Make the Move project

Following the presentation - a Question and Answer period ensued

The Chair Ms. Holden for her time/information


1) The Board granted 1st and 2nd Readings to Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5469, 2024 for property at 1381 Sam Toy Road in Electoral Area "A"

2) Following a Public Hearing -- the Board granted 3rd Reading/Adoption to Green Lake Area Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5456, 2023 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5457, 2023 for property on Little Green Lake Road in Electoral Area "L" as well as agreeing to the following Resolution:

"That the condition of adoption of Bylaw No. 5457, being that the applicant offering to enter into and entering into a Section 219 covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to sewage disposal system and riparian protection and removal of covenant LB373664, be removed"

3) The Board approved Development Variance Permit #12-2024 for property at 4535 Bakken Rd in Electoral Area "H"

4) The Board approved a number of Notices on Title in Electoral Areas "D", "E", and "L"

5) The Board approved an extension of the Lac La Hache Sewer System to property at 4903 Timothy Lake Road in Electoral Area "G" and that the appropriate signatories be authorized to enter into the necessary legal agreement with the property owners

6) The Board approved a Platinum sponsorship for the Williams Lake First Nation’s Father’s Day and 3rd Annual Speaking Our Truth Pow Wows in the amount of $5,500 from the COVID-19 Smart Restart Funds allocated to First Nations Reconciliation

7) The Board authorized up to $45,000 for the installation of solar panels at the Chimney and Felker Lakes Community Hall from the 2024 Community Hall Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation envelope of the Community Works Fund 

8) The Board dealt with Grant for Assistance Year Round applications, as follows:

a) 100 Mile & District Arts Council -- $1000 from Areas G,H,L
b) Cariboo Calico Quilters -- $1,000 from Area "F"
c) Cariboo Chilcotin Youth Fiddle Society -- $250 from Area "K"

9) The Board authorized the following NDIT/Northern Development Initiative Trust applications:

a) Claymine Trails Expansion Project (Area "B")
b) Forest Grove Hall Roof Replacement (Area "H")
c) Williams Lake Cycling Club Backdoor/Westsyde Trail Refurbishment (Area "E")

10) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of April 2024, in the amount of $1,525,712.64

11) Following a referendum conducted on April 27, 2024 within Areas "B" and "C" -- the Board authorized that up to $650,000 be borrowed, under Section 403 of the Local Government Act, from the Municipal Finance Authority, for the purpose of replacing a fire tender for the Barlow Creek Volunteer Fire Department and that the loan be repaid within ten years.

12) The Board approved 4 Resolutions to begin the process to establish a new Community Hall Function in Electoral Area "J"

13) The Board a number of Information Items and took no further action

14) The Board endorsed recommendations from its' Committees' and Commissions' as follows:

a) South Cariboo Joint Committee

* That approval be provided for the 100 Mile District Outriders proposed project to replace the stadium bleachers and replace fence panels as is required under the group's Use and Occupancy Agreement with the Cariboo Regional District.

* That the concept request for Tsqescen First Nation athlete support and welcome signage be approved with details including wording, size, cost and installation location to be brought back to the joint committee for final endorsement.

b) Central Cariboo Joint Committee

* That a joint letter from the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District be forwarded to the Ministry of Environment recognizing the value of the Williams Lake Air Quality Roundtable and asking them to consider taking a lead role in reviving it.

* That staff bring a report forward to the May Central Cariboo Joint Committee, regarding using the Gibraltar Room to display the Stanley Cup Final if the Vancouver Canucks make it that far.

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Directors Forseth and Neufeld (Areas D/E) 

* That the proposed Use And Occupancy License Agreement between the City of Williams Lake (as the operators of the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex) and 1468229 BC Ltd DBA Williams Lake Mustangs Hockey club be endorsed as presented, with the following changes:

* Section 10.a. - be amended to add "in writing" at the end.
   Section 10.b - be amended to read "The Operator will be responsible for the installation and removal of all advertisements.  All installation materials and maintenance costs for advertisements are at the expense of the TEAM.”

Schedule B – last line under Rink 1 be amended to read “a 15% cost sharing of net advertising revenues to the facility, capped at a maximum of $30,000.00 annually.”
Schedule B – Reference to Rink 1 under Year 1 of Agreement be amended to read “Rink 1 will be at 10% with a cap of $15,000.00”.

Further, that the appropriate signatories be authorized to execute the agreement.

That the City of Williams Lake submit a 2024 Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) application to the Community Places program in partnership with the Williams Lake Rotary Club, for the Kiwanis Park Seniors’ Exercise Equipment Project.  Further, that staff be authorized to support the project with the sub-regional recreation funding account or other funding source for a maximum amount of $10,000.00

That proposed construction changes to the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex to accommodate the Williams Lake Mustangs Hockey Club be approved as presented.

That the proposed Lap Pool Retiling / Regrouting project for the West Fraser Aquatic Centre budgeted at $65,000 in 2024 be deferred to a future year, and that $50,000 be reallocated toward completing the Arena Dressing Room Retiling project for the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex in 2024.

c) Committee of the Whole

That the Cariboo Regional District provide support to Atlantic Power and request the appropriate cabinet ministers and Premier to provide flexibility in contract negotiations to ensure the long-term viability of Atlantic Power to Williams Lake and the Cariboo Region.

d) Policy Committee

That the Post-Secondary Bursary Program Policy be approved, as submitted by the Policy Committee 

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Forseth (Area "D") 

15) The Board adopted Forest Grove Fire Protection Service Area Expansion Bylaw No. 5474, 2024

16) At the request of Director Forseth (Area "D") -- the Board agreed to the following Resolutions:

a) “That a 2024 UBCM Community Excellence Award nomination be put forward in the category of
“Excellence in Service Delivery” for the joint UBCM grant application for emergency evacuation
route planning being led by Williams Lake First Nation and in partnership with the Cariboo
Regional District and the City of Williams Lake”

b) That the Board put forward the name of Chair Wagner for appointment to the Local Government Advisory Committee on EDMA Regulations

Verbal reports were provided by Directors' as to their recent activities

The Board then held a Closed Board Meeting as per Sections 92 + 90(1c, 1g, 1i and 1k - labour, litigation, legal advice and negotiations) of the Community Charter

After some time, the Board then resumed its' Open Meeting and adjourned 

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