Thursday, May 23, 2024

Quesnel Council Highlights - May 21st meeting

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Public Hearing - Proposed Bylaws 1963 & 1964 (120 Nadeau St.)

A public hearing was held at 5:30 p.m. to provide Council with information about Proposed amendments to the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws to allow for construction of a new 16-classroom public elementary school at 120 Nadeau Street, to replace the existing Carson Elementary School where geotechnical concerns have arisen.

Regular Council Meeting commenced at 5:40 p.m.


Specialty Crosswalk Annual Maintenance

Council approved the updated design for refurbishing the Spirit Square Pride cross-walk and, continued maintenance for the specialty crosswalks.


City Drinking Water

The 2023 Annual Water Report presents a summary of the City of Quesnel’s water management practices and a brief description of the water distribution system.

Quesnel exceeds provincial testing regulations, collecting samples at 16 individual sites bi-weekly, analyzing for total coliforms, E. coli, heterotrophic plate count (HPC), and turbidity and, testing all reservoirs and wells monthly.

Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines were updated for maximum allowable concentration of manganese.  As Quesnel drinking water exceeds the new level, the City has been working on a grant ready, cost-effective water treatment plan for the removal of manganese and microbiological contaminants.  

2023 Statement of Financial Information

Council approved the 2023 Statement of Financial Information, as required annually under the Financial Information Act and the Community Charter


Strategic Plan 

Council approved the 2024 Strategic Plan, which is included in the City's Annual Report that will come to Council for approval in June.


Council received an update on the Forestry Initiatives program.  Plans for 2024 include:

  • Three Rivers Community Forest – Community Forest Agreement application is pending
  • Community Wildfire Protection Plan – fuel management in the following areas:
    • Dragon Bluff (the lower portion of Wonderland Trails system) 
    • Baker Creek (an area below Pinnacles Provincial Park) 
    • Baker Creek
  • FireSmart – education & information booths at various community events, homeowner & neighbourhood support.
  • Other - BDO Zone Initiative and Quesnel training hub for alternate forest management, in part.


Economic Development Strategy

The City has received funding to update our Economic Development Strategy. A Reference Group will be assembled to seek input from the business community, the community at large, and Council. The consultation plan includes key informant interviews, a business survey, a community survey, and focus group workshops, in addition to the Reference Group.

The previous economic development strategy was approved by Council in 2018 and, guided many initiatives, including, the waterfront plan, trail development, event attraction and support, the wayfinding program, development of the food hub and healthcare recruitment and workforce initiatives, to name a few.

The final strategy will be presented to Council for approval in early 2025.

Development Services

Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing

Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) Amendments under Bill 44 require municipalities to amend their zoning bylaws, allowing increased density in zones that were previously restricted to single detached dwellings or duplexes.

  • WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?  The impacts of this legislation in Quesnel are that ‘restricted zones’ must be amended to allow up to four residential units.
  • WHY IS THE PROVINCE DOING THIS? The Province is trying to address the housing shortage by increasing density in established single-detached dwelling and duplex neighbourhoods, allowing secondary suites, detached accessory dwelling units (ADUs), duplexes, triplexes, townhomes, etc.

Council directed Staff to bring forward City of Quesnel Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing Amendment Bylaw 1962 to the June 4 Council meeting for the first three readings.

Development Permit 2024-69 - 310 Legion Drive

  • Council approved the development of a retail cedar yard on Legion Drive, subject to obtaining a Right of Way for the existing sanitary sewer main and a Building Permit for the alterations of the modular office unit.


Landfill Reserve Fund

Over the years the City has allocated funds to the future costs of the landfill closure. This bylaw creates a Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Obligation Reserve fund so the funds do not appear as surplus and are properly earmarked for the future costs that will be required for the landfill closures and post closure obligations.


  • The 2024 Prospector's Car Club annual car show is returning to Reid Street.  Portions of Reid Street, MacLean Street and St. Laurent Avenue will be closed to vehicle traffic from 6:30 am to 4:30 pm on Sunday, August 18.



  • Bylaw 1959 - City of Quesnel Hotel Tax Revitalization Bylaw 1959, 2024 - Third Reading
  • Bylaw 1963 - City of Quesnel Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 1963, 2024 (120 Nadeau Street) - Third Reading
  • Bylaw 1964 - City of Quesnel Zoning Amendment Bylaw 1964, 2024 (120 Nadeau Street) - Third Reading
  • Bylaw 1965 - City of Quesnel Landfill Closure and Post-Closure Obligations Reserve Fund Bylaw No. 1965, 2024 - First Three Readings

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