Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - June 20th mtg

Present: Chair Wagner and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier (via MS Teams) Massier, Forseth, Neufeld, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman, Roodenburg, Rathor and Pinkney 

Meeting called to order at 9:48am 

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda adopted
Minutes of the previous Regional District Board Meeting were received/adopted


1) The Board gave 1st Reading to Chilcotin Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5475, 2024 (Area J - Bluff Lake Road, southwest of Tatla Lake)

2nd Reading of Bylaw 5475 will be subject to:

* A public information meeting held at the applicant’s expense; 

* The applicant providing proof to the Cariboo Regional District, through an Authorized Person (AP), a report on the proposed sewerage system(s). The report from the AP must demonstrate there is adequate space and site conditions to support an authorized disposal system(s) for the density proposed and identify a reserve area for when the original system(s) fails and; 

* The applicant submitting an Archaeological Overview Assessment for the proposed C 2-5 zone area , completed by a qualified professional, with a determination as to whether further investigation is warranted;

While adoption of Bylaw 5475 will be subject to:

* The applicant offering to enter into and entering into a covenant restricting the resort accommodation use to a maximum of 70 sleeping or housekeeping units and 25 staff accommodation units or combination thereof, and that the cost of preparation and registration of the covenant be borne by the applicant; 

* The applicant offering to enter into and entering into a covenant to ensure compliance with the CRD Shoreland Management Policy with respect to a sewage disposal system and riparian protection, including wetlands, and that the cost of registration of the covenant be borne by the applicant and; 

* The subject properties being consolidated into a single property

2) The Board considered the Small-Scale, Multi-Unit Housing Provincial Policy Manual & Site Standards prior to consideration of South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5480, 2024, Williams Lake Fringe and 150 Mile House Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5481, 2024, and Quesnel Fringe Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5482, 2024 and gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Reading and Adoption to these Land Use Amendment Bylaws

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Richmond (Area "G") 

3) The Board allocated $34,000 from the Community Works fund to complete the following repairs:

Replacement of the Beach lift station electrical kiosk on Mckinley Road, Lac La Hache ($15,000);

Replacement of internal mechanical works in the McKinley Road main lift station, Lac La Hache ($11,000); and

Repair of the reservoir drain and overflow area at the Forest Grove reservoir ($8,000).

4) The Board agreed to allocate up to $12,500 for the installation of two energy efficient furnaces at the Forest Grove Community Hall from the 2024 Community Hall Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation envelope of the Community Works Fund

5) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of May 2024, in the amount of $2,628,212.52

6) The Board authorized, for public inspection, the Cariboo Regional District’s 2023 Statement of Financial Information Report

7) The Board agreed to proceed to referendum to obtain elector assent for the Forest Grove Fire Protection Service fire tender replacement and that Alice Johnston be appointed Chief Election Officer, and Lore Schick be appointed Deputy Chief Election Officer for the 2024 Forest Grove Fire Protection Service fire tender replacement referendum.

And that the question on the ballot be as follows:

“Are you in favour of the Cariboo Regional District borrowing up to $600,000 over 10 years for the replacement of a fire tender for the Forest Grove Fire Protection Service?

(The current ad valorem residential tax rate for the Forest Grove Fire Protection Service is $117.66/$100,000. Based on 2024 assessed values, the estimated annual cost including the borrowing translates to a residential tax rate of $150.04/$100,000 of the net taxable assessed value of improvements.)”

8) The Board received the "Consent Calendar" as of June 20th, 2024 

9) The Board endorsed recommendations from previous Committee or Commission meetings, as follows:

That the Quesnel Kangaroos be provided with exclusive use of the West Fraser Centre main facility storage room, in the Northeast corner of the facility, adjacent to the dressing rooms.

That  $26,000 be allocated in the 2024 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks capital budget to purchase a trailer to store the West Fraser Centre stage off-site;

Further, that $10,000 be allocated in the 2024 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks capital budget for construction and flooring for conversion of the storage room to dressing room.

That $100,000 to be allocated in the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks budget toward the total project cost for renovations to West Fraser Centre’s concession.

That the Cariboo Regional District North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Fees and Charges Bylaw be amended to incorporate the proposed Fees and Charges presented at the May 7, 2024 meeting of the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee, Administration Report #16/24.

That an annual Central Cariboo Grants for Assistance program be established jointly as proposed between the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District electoral areas D, E, F, J and K.  Further that the Central Cariboo Joint Committee Terms of Reference be amended to include an annual meeting with participation of full city council and central Cariboo electoral area directors to review all grant applications received and determine funding to be provided

That the City of Quesnel, as the Manager of the North Cariboo Recreation and Parks Service, enter into the attached 5- year agreement with the Quesnel Kangaroos Sr. Hockey Club for use of the West Fraser Centre.

That staff proceed with an expansion and upgrade of the West Fraser Centre concession into the concourse as indicated in Option 2 in the drawings presented to the North Cariboo Joint Advisory Committee on June 11, 2024 and further, that the 2024 North Cariboo Recreation and Parks capital plan be amended to reallocate up to $248,390 for the concession expansion from the planned transfer to capital reserves.

CONTRARY TO THE MOTION: Director Bachmeier (Area "B") 

* That a letter be sent to MP Todd Doherty, encouraging appropriate recognition of regional districts in federal funding announcements

10) The Board was notified of the upcoming UBCM Resource Breakfast Series during the week of September 16-20, 2024 and agreed to send a letter advising that the Cariboo Regional District is looking forward to an invitation to the Chair and Board in 2025.

Delegation (11:00am):

Phyllis Webstad from the Orange Shirt Society appeared before the Board to present an update on the Society's activities 

Following her presentation -- a Question/Answer period ensued... 

The Chair thanked Ms. Webstad for her time/information... 

Business, cont:

The Chair provided a written report involving her recent activities 

Directors' provided verbal reports on their recent activities in their Electoral Area or Municipality 

Meeting recessed for lunch at 12:26pm
Meeting resumed at 1:03pm

Closed Board Session:

At 1:03pm -- the Board recessed its' Open Session to convene a Closed (In-Camera) Board Session as per Sections 92 + 90(1c,e - labour and land) of the Community Charter

At 1:30pm -- the Board resumed its' Open Session and adjourned 

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