Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 25th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Disc Golf on Fuel Management Trails

Council approved the development of a disc golf course on the Fuel Management Trail property and directed staff to prepare a Licence of Occupation for the Quesnel Disc Golf Club’s use of the property.

2023 Annual Report

Council approved the 2023 Annual Report for period ending December 31, 2023.

Development Services

Council approved the Keis Trucking Ltd. Development permit application 2023-61 for a new shop at 100 Keis Avenue, subject to all outdoor storage areas being screened from the public right-of-way.

Quesnel Bike Park

Council supported an application to the Union of BC Municipalities Community Excellence Awards - Excellence in Service Delivery, to showcase the Quesnel Adventure Skills Bike Park and mountain bike rentals program, promoting active lifestyles and tourism. Through strong partnerships with local organizations, including Lhtako Dene Nation and the Gold Rush Cycling Club, Quesnel is on the map as a mountain biking destination.

Council Committees

Council does a lot of behind the scenes work on Council Committees.  Summaries of these meetings can be found on the Council agenda under Item I. Committee Reports. Two of our newest Select Committees are the Accessibility Committee and the Housing Solutions Table.  


  • Bylaw 1962 - City of Quesnel Small Scale Multi-Unit Housing Amendment Bylaw - Second & Third readings and Final Adoption
  • Bylaw 1966 - City of Quesnel Appointment of Officers and Delegation of Authority Amendment Bylaw No. 1966 of 2024 - First three readings

Due to error recording contents - Council Meeting Video not available

The next regularly scheduled Council meeting is July 30, 2024

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