Tuesday, July 16, 2024

WL Council Highlights - July 16th mtg


Mayor SPS Rathor; Councillors Boehm, Delainey, Flaspohler, Lyons, Moses and Nelson

Meeting called to order at 6:00pm 

Mayor Rathor recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional unceded territory of Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting Agenda adopted with inclusion of late item (4 year Nursing program at TRU Williams Lake)
Meeting Video here

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Williams Lake City Council held June 17, 2024, the Regular Meeting of Williams Lake City Council held June 18, 2024 and the Special Meeting of Williams Lake City Council held July 9, 2024 were all received and adopted


Mayor Rathor, on behalf of Council, presented the "Accessibility Award of Merit" to Nicole Bellamy and Bill Rand from the Williams Lake Curling Club 


Carrie Julius of the Williams Lake Pride Society appeared before Council to discuss a proclamation request for "Pride! in the Puddle Week" and a Flag Raising Request

Following the presentation - A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Rathor thanked Ms. Julius for her time/information

Response to Delegation:

Council proclaimed "Pride! in the Puddle Week" during the week of August 18 to 24, 2024 in the City of Williams Lake and authorized the raising of the inclusive pride flag on August 19th at noon on the City's flag pole, to remain up through Pride Week, and that Council join Pride members at this flag raising ceremony


1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated June 20, 27, July 4 and 11, 2024

2) Council gave first and second readings to Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2418, 2024.  Staff were directed to issue notice of the proposed amendments, and a Public Hearing be scheduled for August 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM in the Council Chambers of City Hall

3) Council approved an amendment to the existing License of Occupation for Interior Health Authority to include additional sections of the retaining wall constructed along the proposed Comer Street parking lot located on the south side of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital site

4) After receiving no public input -- Council approved Development Variance Permit No. 02-2024 (850 Mackenzie Avenue South)

5) Council agreed to support the Williams Lake Stampede Association’s application to the NDIT Community Places Fund for matching funding toward the construction of a structure to display their historic stagecoach at the Williams Lake Stampede Grounds

6) Council directed Staff to write a response letter to Mr. John Pickford's written and verbal comments to the 2023 City of Williams Lake Annual Report, as contained in the City Staff report dated June 19th, 2024

7) Council received for information a report of the Manager of Finance regarding the second quarter 2024 budget status update

8) Council received the Grant-in-Aid application from the Team Bhullar Foundation requesting $5,000 toward their “Wrestling in Williams Lake” event being planned for the week of January 2, 2025 to be held at the TRU – Williams Lake Campus gymnasium; waived Council Grants-in-Aid Policy in order to approve a late 2024 Grant-in-Aid in the amount of $5,000, with $1,000 allocated from the remaining 2024 Grants-in-Aid budget and $4,000 allocated from reserves and authorized use of funds for an event date outside of this calendar year (2025)

9) Council approved the new City of Williams Lake Community Grants Program Policy No. 230, as amended based on feedback from Committee of Whole Council, repealed Council Policies No. 18 and that Policy No. 230 be brought back to Committee of Whole Council for review in May/June 2025, following its first year of implementation

10)  Council received a letter from the owner of 699 Tenth Avenue North requesting a refund of $216.70, plus GST, for two 240 L garbage/recycling totes assigned to 699-B Tenth Avenue North for an accessory dwelling unit and after discussion, Council denied the request


11) Council endorsed 2 Committee of the Whole recommendations from the Committee's July 9th, 2024 meeting, as follows:

* That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #18-2024, the presentation from Andy Delli Pizzi, Marnie Brenner and Dianne Shendruk, Interior Health regarding the IH Healthy Communities Development Program and the role of the Healthy Communities Facilitator be received for information; and further, that Council request the BC Chief Medical Officer to permit unvaccinated healthcare workers to return to work.

That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #19-2024, Council direct staff to prepare a Parks and Public Lands Bylaw for review and consideration, incorporating the requirements for temporary overnight sheltering as endorsed by Council in April 2023, and to present additional options and proposals for consideration and further discussion.

12) Council received a letter from the Union of BC Municipalities regarding the Resolutions endorsed by the City at the 2024 NCLGA Convention

13) Council proclaimed July 21-27, 2024 as "National Drowning Prevention Week" in the City of Williams Lake

14) Late Item - Council agreed to lobby TRU (Thompson Rivers' University) to have a 4 Year Nursing Program at the TRU Williams Lake Campus and that the Cariboo Regional District and Local First Nations be requested to provide Letters of Support in favour of this Council initiative 

15) Council received the Council Information Package as of July 16th, 2024

16) Standing Agenda Item: Atlantic Power - the Corporate Officer provided a verbal update, on behalf of the Manager of Economic Development 

Resolved: That Mayor Rathor and Councillors' be authorized, if required, to travel to Victoria to meet with the Premier and related BC Cabinet Ministers to further discuss the situation at the Atlantic Power Co-Gen power plant in Williams Lake

Members of Council provided verbal reports on their recent activities 

Council adjourned at 7:47pm

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