Friday, August 2, 2024

City of Williams Lake Working Toward Recovery Phase After WL River Valley Wildfire

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

While the immediate fire danger in the Williams Lake River Valley has been mitigated following a wildfire that erupted on Sunday evening, July 21, members of the public are reminded the area remains an active emergency response zone and will be closed until further notice.

“The wildfire danger has been largely addressed, but many other hazards remain,” said Brendan Foote, City Emergency Operations Centre Director. 

“Once we receive a geotechnical assessment and address danger trees burned or compromised in the fire, we can begin to chart a path forward for reopening, but as of now it is not safe for members of the public to be recreating in the River Valley.”

As of Friday, August 2, the City is downgrading its Emergency Operations Centre from a Level 3 to a Level 1.

The State of Local Emergency put in place to help support initial emergency operations and response will also expire on Sunday, August 4.

Since the wildfire, remaining hot spots in the River Valley have decreased from over 1,000 in the days following the fire to fewer than 10 as of Friday, August 2, 2024.

Power to the City’s sewage lagoons, which had been running on generator power since the fire, is now restored, and danger trees along the power line have been removed from the area. 

BC Wildfire Service crews are currently working on mopping up remaining hot spots, further danger tree falling is ongoing and heavy machinery may be working in the area in the days and weeks to come. 

The City is now working toward the recovery phase of the emergency and, moving forward, will continue to monitor the area.

To contact the City's Emergency Operations Centre please call 250-392-2364. For information and updates, continue to check back at and on the City's social media channels.

The City will provide updates as they become available through its Emergency Operations Centre.

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