Friday, January 24, 2025

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - January 24th, 2025 mtg

Present: Chair M.Wagner/Vice Chair M. Neufeld and Directors Sjostrom, Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, LeBourdais, Richmond, Glassford, Pare, Anderson, De Vries, Coleman (via MS Teams), Roodenburg (via MS Teams), Rathor and Pinkney 

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

The Chair recognized that the meeting was taking place on the traditional, unceded territory of the Williams Lake First Nation within Secwepemculecw 

Meeting agenda adopted 
Minutes of the previous Cariboo RD Board Meeting were received/adopted 

Delegation (11am - 12pm):

Kim Grout, Chief Executive Officer of the Agricultural Land Commission and ALC Board Chair Jennifer Dyson appeared remotely before the Board to discuss relevant issues in relation to the Agriculture Land Reserve/Commission 

Following her presentation - a Question/Answer period ensued 

The Chair thanked Ms. Grout and Ms. Dyson for their time/information


1) The Board rejected a proposed re-zoning application in Electoral Area "J" from Mr. Dave King (file number 3360-20/20240014) because of the potential impact on wildlife values (Area J/Bluff Lake Road)

2) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5496, 2024 for property at 4842 Hamilton Rd in Electoral Area "G" subject to: 

the applicant applying for and receiving a Controlled Access Permit from Ministry of Transportation and Transit for Lot A, District Lot 5, Lillooet District, Plan 5820, Except Plan KAP52790 and that the applicant providing proof to CRD planning staff that the Ministry of Transportation and Transit’s concerns regarding lighting impacts on the motoring public have been addressed

3) The Board adopted Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5477, 2024 (Area F/6414 & 6416 Horsefly Landing Rd)

4) The Board approved a Development Permit pertaining to Lot B, District Lot 4491, Lillooet District, Plan 32995 (Area L/6755 Little Fort Hwy 24)

5) The Board approved a Development Permit pertaining to District Lot 12409, Cariboo District (Area D/88 Soda Creek Road) 

6) The Board authorized for submission a joint application for the Universal Water Meter Pilot Project, including Horse Lake, Forest Grove, and Lac La Hache water systems

At 10:33am - the Board recessed to CCRHD Board 
At 11:08am - the Board resumed 

Delegation - Ag Land Commission ( as per above)

At 12:13pm — the Board recessed to lunch/CCRHD Board 
At 1:08pm  — the Board resumed

Business, cont:

7) The Board authorized NDIT Applications as follows:

Roots to Grow Marketing
Bouchie Lake Recreation Commission - Community Hall Playground Upgrade
South Cariboo Pickleball Association Outdoor Pickleball Courts
* Local Government Intern for the 2025 internship program

8) The Board authorized Year Round Grant for Assistance applications, as follows:

South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation - divide $800 equally between Areas G,H,L
Williams Lake Blue Fins -- $1,000 from Area "D"
* Horsefly River Roundtable -- $1,000 from Area "F"

9) The Board authorized the funding contribution agreement with the Anahim Lake Community Association, the Nimpo Lake Community Association and the Tatla Lake Area Community Association to support operations and capital projects at their respective community halls for a term of five years and including an annual payment to the associations of $8,000 each with funding from the Area "J" Community Hall Contribution Service

10) The Board authorized the proposed Air Carrier Airport Use Agreement (2025-2029) renewal with Pacific Coastal Airlines for the Anahim Lake airport for a term of four years and five months with an annual fee of $70,000 plus applicable taxes increasing to $80,000 in the final year of the term

11) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Cheque Register, as follows:

* November 2024 -- $2,717,658.83
* December 2024 -- $4,062,419.22

12) The Board appointed Directors Pare, Anderson and Neufeld to the 2025 Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel and that the Panel will meet at 11:00 a.m. on February 27, 2025 in the Cariboo Regional District Board Room and the meeting be held via MS Teams

13) The Board held a discussion regarding NCLGA 2025 Resolutions and directed Staff to prepare NCLGA Resolutions, as follows:

* Mental Health for Local Elected Officials 
* Quesnel Interconnector Project (Highway 97)
* Agriculture Land Reserve (ALR) boundary Refresh / ALR 90 Sq. Ft rule for residential farm help 
* Elected officials on leave without pay being permitted to attend local government conferences

14) The Board received a number of Information-Only items and directed that a Letter of Support be provided to UBCM regarding the concerns of Regional District Kootenay Boundary/Cooperative Community Wildfire Response Initiative 

15) The Board endorsed recommendations from Policy Committee, as follows:

That the draft Anti-Discrimination Policy be adopted

That the following section be removed from the CAO Evaluation Policy:


In addition to the Board members’ observations and interactions with the CAO, the CAO will set annual goals and report to the Board on them which will assist in the Board’s CAO evaluation process.

Further, that the CAO Evaluation Policy be endorsed, as amended

That the Privacy Management Program Policy be adopted

16) The Board gave 1st, 2nd, 3rd Readings and Adoption to CRD Election and Assent Voting Bylaw No. 5487, 2025

17) At the request of Directors Bachmeier, Massier, Forseth, Richmond (Areas B,C,D,G) -- the Board authorized attendance at the 2025 Federation of Canadian Municipalities Convention in Ottawa, ON from May 29th - June 1st, 2025 with funding to be provided by the Areas B,C,D and G Director Initiative Funds

18) At the request of Directors Bachmeier, Forseth (Areas B,D) -- the Board authorized attendance at the Keeping It Rural Conference in Kelowna, BC from June 10-12, 2025 with funding to be provided by the Areas B,D Director Initiative Funds

19) At the request of Director Forseth (Area D) -- the Board authorized a letter be forwarded to the UBCM Executive requesting that they have a discussion with the Hon. Ravi Kahlon – BC’s Municipal Affairs/Housing Minister regarding the negative impacts on BC Local Governments’ complying with the Heritage Conservation Act (HCA) in relation to archeological studies for local government projects as well as negative impacts on rural property owners complying with the HCA with a copy of the letter being provided to BC’s Indigenous Relations Minister (Hon. Christine Boyle)

20) At the request of Director Forseth (Area D) -- the Board authorized a letter to the CRTC (Canadian Radio-Telecommunications Commission) requesting that telecommunications companies such as TELUS keep copper phone lines in place to rural customers’ homes in converting them to Fiber Optic networks unless and until alternate communication methods (ie: cell connectivity) are available, should the Fiber Optic networks go down, due to maintenance or other cause, with a copy of the letter be forwarded to the Premier of British Columbia and BC’s Minister of Citizen Services for their information 

Directors’ provided verbal reports on their recent activities in their Electoral Area/Municipality 

Resolved — 

1) That the appointment of Laila Potvin to the Area “D” Advisory Planning Commission be rescinded

2) That a letter of support be provided from the Cariboo Regional District to encourage CISKD (Catholic Ind. Schools of the Kamloops Diocese) to keep Sacred Heart Elementary in Williams Lake open 

3) That the appointment of Doug Watt to the Area "F" Advisory Planning Commission be rescinded

The Board adjourned at 2:58pm 

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