Thursday, March 29, 2007

New Teacher Registry Legislation

On Tuesday, March 27th, Shirley Bond (Minister of Education and Deputy Premier) introduced legislation to amend the School Act, Independent School Act and the Teaching Profession Act to require the BC College of Teachers' to publicly report the name of any teacher who is disciplined for misconduct involving sexual, emotional or physical abuse

The BCTF has already come out and condemned the legislation as an attack on teachers and the creation of more bureaucracy. Why is the BCTF against the public knowing what teacher is guilty of professional conduct involving sexual, emotional or physical abuse?? That is the right of parents to know that so they feel 100% sure that their kids are safe at school.

I applaud the provincial government for this kind of legislation and is long overdue. It will also make sure that school districts hire teachers' that are free of any kind of misconduct that is harmful to kids

But, then again, the BCTF is against anything the provincial government does. Whether the party in power was NDP or BC Liberal. Nothing is good enough for the BCTF

1 comment:

  1. isn't the employer supposed to give a thorough criminal record check during the interview process? I do agree with you that any teacher that abuses a child should have their name made public. But I'll go a step further and say that teacher should be suspended without pay until they are criminally cleared of any wrong doing. It's a shame that there are people out there that would want to harm an innocent child.
