Tuesday, March 27, 2007

WL Council Commitee of the Whole Session

At tonight's Council "Committee of the Whole" Session, the following was discussed:

1) 2007-2011 5 Year Financial Plan

Council give Staff authorization to bring forward at the April 3, 2007 City Council Meeting the 5 year Financial Plan Bylaw for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Reading. Also, Council has asked Staff to look into topping up the Equipment Reserve Fund, as well as looking into accelerating paving projects for 2008

2) City of Quesnel invite to all Muncipal Councils' in Cariboo regarding the CRD Relationship

Council agreed to meet with Quesnel Council regarding the relationship between muncipalities and the CRD in April. It was noted that Quesnel Council met here once so it was time to return the favour. It was also noted that it would be a good sharing experience with Quesnel in terms of how Williams Lake's working relationship with the CRD Board is working out.

3) Letter from CRD Chair re: Mountain Cariboo Recovery Strategy

This item was deferred to the next meeting as Councillor Paul French has received some information relative to this subject, so he will work with City Staff to put a report together for the Committee of the Whole consideration in 2 weeks

4) Proposed new Corporate Logo

This item was deferred for 2 weeks as the Administrator is away and it will be considered at the next Committee of the Whole meeting on April 10, 2007

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