Thursday, May 31, 2007

Fall Sittings and the NDP

I want to talk about a subject that the NDP continuously harps about and that is fall sittings being cancelled by the big, bad BC Liberal Government

Between 1991-2001, under the BC NDP, fall sittings never occurred, that I can remember anyways, sittings occurred on a moments' notice and Special Warrants for the provincial budget was common place. Tell you think it is appropriate to have a 20 member cabinet approve expenditures of $30 billion dollars without Legislature approval? I think not

Once again, Carole James during the Premier's Estimates debates asked the Premier if a fall sitting would occur.

The Premier's response: Those are discussions that occur between House Leaders', as it should be

For the NDP to be the saviours' on democracy and whether or not the House sits and when is truly breathtaking and really rich on their part

Look...The NDP are not the government...the BC Liberal Party is. They have the most seats in the House. I don't believe that recalling the House for the sake of debate isn't good use of taxpayers' money. The House should/must sit if there are bills to be debated/approved or even taxpayer expenditures to be approved or even native treaties to be approved. But if there isn't any government work to be completed, then why bother have a fall sitting if the government has no business to propose to the House

It just goes to show you that Carole James is all talk - no action. For her to say that she wants to change the political system in Victoria and then whine/cry about no fall session shows the NDP hasn't learned anything since leaving office in 2001


  1. Steve,

    You're right the NDP are playing politics instead of looking at the usefulness of sitting in Victoria.

    Here are my comments from last September in a post called The NDP's tempest in a teapot # 1.

  2. ST said..."I don't believe that recalling the House for the sake of debate isn't good use of taxpayers' money"...

    Unlike the 29% raise the Liberals gave themselves
