Thursday, May 31, 2007

Highlights of WL City Council Meeting - May 29th, 2007


1) Donna Sellers from the Northern Shuswap Treaty Society gave Council a brief update on the Treaty Society's activities.

2) Andre Chevigny from Pioneer Family Partnership gave Council an introduction to their application for a Re-Zoning for property they own on South Lakeside Drive. The 1st phase will include the building of a Wal-Mart along with 2-3 other "big box" stores with the names to be revealed over the next 6 months. Council gave 1st reading to Zoning Amendment Bylaw #2021 and when the appropriate studies are completed (Geotech, Infrastructure, Traffic), then the entire application will be referred to the Advisory Planning Commission for its' comments/recommendations. This should occur sometime in late July/early August

Other Business:

1) Council gave 3 readings to the Revitalization Tax Exemption Program Bylaw No. 2013 which will allow for tax deferrals for any developer who completes a building project inside of the Tax Exemption Zone, which is primarily inside of the downtown zone

2) Council gave approval for a cowboy statue to be placed at the corner of 3rd Avenue and Oliver Street, by the old Petro-Canada gas station. The project will be completed and 100% funded by the local Communities in Bloom Committee

3) Councillors Rathor, Barr and Wolbers in his capacity as CRD Chair will be attending the FCM (Federation of Canadian Municipalities) in Calgary to be held at the end of this week. I look forward for these Councillors to bring back best practices that could possibly be used in the City of Williams Lake

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