Thursday, May 3, 2007

NCMA Conference - 1st Full Day

Hello all...

Here's what happened during the 1st full day of the NCMA Conference in Williams Lake:

7-8:30am - Breakfast for all delegates, which including pancakes, bacon, etc

8:30am - 9:30am - I attended a session on the Ommenica Beetle Action Coalition and what they are doing to diversify their local economy after the impact of the Mountain Pine Beetle has come and gone. The Ommenica Beetle Action Coalition covers an area both North and North west/east of Prince George. I also attended a session discussing the opportunities resulting out of the 2010 Olympics including work on-going with the Spirit of BC Committees' throughout the Province

9:45 -10:30am - The Premier gave a speech to the NCMA delegates present. The theme of his speech was Change. He talked about the need to have compact communities, the need to take advantage of programs such as LocalMotion, Spirit Square and Towns for Tomorrow to improve the quality of life for residents' who reside in small towns in the NCMA region. He also thanked those in attendance for serving their residents' with valour to ensure a high quality of life for the constituents' that they serve. All-in-all, a 5-Star speech, I think. The Premier received a standing ovation at the end of his speech

1:30 - 2:00pm - I attended an another workshop called "Climate Change & Energy - Planning Opportunities for Local Governments" which was presented by Michael Wilson. He talked about initiatives that local governments could do to lessen their impact on the environment, which is on the minds of everyone these days. Mr. Wilson suggested things like have LEED standards in OCP's (Official Community Plan) including increasing density in neighborhoods - term for having more people into a smaller area. Also, developing a local energy plan to stop the leakage of "energy dollars" from leaving their communities. For example, Quesnel lost $15,000,000 (15 Million Dollars) due to the lack of local energy options for Quesnel residents. He also talked about Revelstoke's heat distribution system which helps save money for the local forest industry in running the local Kilns (where they dry the "rough" lumber). Williams Lake is looking into this right now. The study is been referred to City Staff for development/analysis and then it will come back to WL Council for further consideration. Ken Day from the UBC Research Forest Office made a proposal to WL Council a number of weeks ago using steam escaping from the Co-Gen Plant (EPCOR Plant) to "fund" geo-thermal projects to provide heat to buildings/kilns, etc

2:00pm - 2:20pm - The Hon. Ida Chong, Minister of Community Services also spoke to NCMA Delegates talked a little bit more on what the Premier discussed earlier in the day. She also told delegates that more money was on the way for Regional Districts in terms of their unconditional grants that they receive each year. Also, she revealed that municipalities would receive significantly more money from Victoria, in terms of the traffic fine revenue. As you may remember, the Premier told UBCM Delegates that Victoria will return 100% of traffic fine revenue to municipalities to be used for crime reduction strategies provided that each municipality provided a report detailing how the money was used. For example, the money can't be used for general projects (i.e.: sidewalks, roads, etc). At the end of her speech, as was the case for the Premier, she received a standing ovation from NCMA Delegates present.

3:15pm - 3:30pm - The Leader of Her Majesty Loyal Official Opposition and the Leader of the BC New Democrats, Carole James gave a speech to about 60 NCMA Delegates present. I must say that I was disappointed on the content of her speech, which was partisan in nature. She essentially "slammed" the BC Liberals of cost overruns at the Vancouver Trade and Convention Centre Expansion Projects, no plan for the Mountain Pine Beetle, purported "dirty tricks" occurring inside the Premier's Office, and that Victoria doesn't care about the concerns about local municipal leaders. I must say I was most disappointed about the content of the speech. As I said, it was partisan in nature and the Premier/Minister of Community Services' Speeches weren't partisan in nature and dealt only with local government concerns/programs, which as it should be as this is a local government conference. There is a time/place to be partisan and this conference wasn't it as there are mayors/councillors'/RD (Regional District) Directors'/Chairs who support the NDP and those who suppport the BC Liberals. Which is probably why she didn't receive a standing ovation at the end of Ms. James's speech.

Later on in the day, I had an opportunity to have a private dinner with the Hon. Ida Chong (Minister of Community Services) with a few others and we all talked about how to ensure we have a BC Liberal MLA in Cariboo South in 2009 and other political happenings' of the day

I will report more tomorrow as it is Day 2 of the NCMA Conference

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